Saturday, 18 January 2025

This week my Word of the Week is: Motivation! #WotW

This week my Word of the Week is:


What is happening to January? It's flying over, well for me it is. I have been keeping myself busy and for once I have so much motivation that I feel like I am running out of hours in the day to get everything done that I want to. I don't know if it's a new year thing, fresh starts and all that or the fact that I have been sleeping better so have been waking up feeling energised or eating better but whatever it is I am taking it and running with it.

My family keep coming into the house asking where things are as I am still on a decluttering mission and if things are dumped in places where they shouldn't be I am finding a new home for them. Not the bin yet but if I find one more set of fake eyelashes or nails in the living room I will be binning them, a certain little lady has been warned. hehehe I am sat here looking at a set of drawers in the living room and thinking about sorting them out but I have other things on my to do list which need to be done first including writing this blog post.

I had a phone call from college early in the week and I could have just took it and then talked things over with Ellie and that would have been it but no, I decided when it comes to college I am not letting things just happen. Learning from the mistakes of last year gave me the motivation to go to college and speak to the staff that I wanted to, had Ellie speak to the staff members and even though it was nothing serious it is now all talked over and we are all on the same page.

As I am writing this the sun is shining and that always gets me motivated. I've just unpacked the food shop and ended up having to take my jumper off as I was so warm and I am sat in a t-shirt. It's hard work dragging the bags from the front door to the kitchen. It feels so strange having bare arms, it feels so long since I sat here without a long sleeved top on. Our house isn't cold, I just like to be cosy. It felt like a reminder that warmer days are coming and I can't wait for the spring. My family and I have also thought further ahead and are making plans for the summer and even Autumn. Those plans have given me the motivation to be even more careful with money and start adding to our savings pot again after spending up before Christmas.

How has your week been? I hope you have had a good one! I am of course linking up with Anne who blogs at Raisie Bay for her Word of the Week linky!

Word of the Week linky


  1. Love it. Motivation is such a good feeling and the catalyst for a fresh start in the new year.

  2. More power to you as you de-clutter! I have done some of that myself this past week. In my case it's been more of a project to go through drawers to discard or donate items that are no longer needed, wanted, or of any use to me. And like you, sunshine does me a world of good. Blessings to you!

  3. I have very little motivation lately but hope it finds me soon. You are lucky that the college is so willing to work with you and keep you in the loop; our colleges here don't interact with parents at all (except when it comes to paying bills!).

  4. That's a good word, send me some of your motivation please. I have it in my head but not in my body! I have been doing a lot more than usual lately though. I'm just waiting for my body to decide that's enough now. We have to declutter as we are having some work done soon in EVERY room in the house...eeek! I'm not looking forward to that x

  5. You really are motivated. I love the idea of running out of hours to do it all. Makes me feel so productive and ready for the next day. Sleep and diet make even more difference at this time of year, I think. Hope your decluttering and reorganisation continue to keep the false eyelashes at bay.

  6. Isn't it great when you get the motivation to get up and just get on with things? Happy for you. So many people feel the opposite at the start of the year. We are looking forward to the Spring time and warmer, longer days too. I hope Ellie's College issue is sorted now.

  7. Can I borrow some motivation from you Kim! It sounds like you've had a productive week. It's been so cold here even with the heating on it's not warming up very much at all.
    I'm glad things have been sorted at Ellie's college hopefully it's smooth sailing from now on.

  8. How lovely to have lots of motivation. Can you send some my way?! Nice to do some decluttering. Glad that you were able to talk things over with the college. It is nice when the sun is shining – I always feel better for it too. #WotW
