Thursday, 23 January 2025

Winter Struggles!

We have had a cold snap of weather, well we did when I was writing this blog post it might have changed by now as the weather has been a little crazy for the last year or so. There are good things about winter but it really isn't my favourite season! As much as we all love the twinkling fairy lights, cosy jumpers, and endless mugs of hot chocolate let’s be honest winter sucks and brings with it a unique set of struggles that can only be tackled with a good sense of humour. 

close up photography of snowflake

Fashion vs Survival!
Winter fashion looks so gorgeous on Instagram. Sleek coats, stylish boots and those oversized scarves that somehow seem effortless to put on but in reality, getting dressed in winter is less about looking like a Vogue cover and more about resembling a well insulated burrito. I pile on so many layers I can’t bend my elbows and suddenly I'm waddling down the street like a Michelin Man impersonator!

The Cold Toilet Seat!
If there’s one thing that can shock you awake faster than coffee, it’s a cold toilet seat. You’re half asleep, hoping for a peaceful moment, and bam! You’re wide awake hating the winter even more!

Slip Sliding!
Walking on icy pavements is a true test of your dignity! You start off confidently, thinking I’ve got this and then your foot betrays you sending you into an unintentional dance routine worthy of a standing ovation. Think Bambi on ice! The worst part is the realisation that you’re going down, giving everyone nearby plenty of time to witness the spectacle.

Hat Hair Disaster!
Hats are essential in winter but they come at a price: your hair! Take your hat off and you’ve either got flat, lifeless locks or the kind of static frizz that defies gravity. Either way you look like you lost a fight with a tumble dryer.

The Great Heating Debate!
If you share your home with others winter brings a new battleground: the heating. There’s always one person bundled in three blankets while someone else insists it’s not that cold. For those of us trying to keep energy bills in check, there’s also the heating compromise: turn it on just enough so you don’t see your breath indoors, but not enough to bankrupt yourself. My most used phrase over the winter is "shut the door". I want to keep the heat in and my family seem to forget that.

Short Days!
Winter days are a joke. I always say I like the dark evenings, getting cosy but by this time of winter I am over them! Some days it doesn't really even get light at all. Ugh!

The Eternal Nose Drip!
Winter turns your nose into a dripping tap that no tissue box can tame. You step outside, and within seconds, your nose decides to run. Worse, if you’re wearing a scarf, it becomes a sponge for the sniffles because nothing says “winter glam” like a damp wool accessory stuck to your face.

Fresh snow is magical but give it a day and it turns into grey, slushy misery. Walking through slush is like stepping into a puddle made of cold, wet regret. Worse, it splashes back onto your trousers, leaving you with damp, freezing ankles that remind you how cruel life can be. It’s snow’s way of saying  you loved me yesterday and now you must suffer!

What do you dislike about the winter?


  1. I think you've done a great job here and covered just about everything. I guess I would add the increased amount of sickness that winter brings and worrying about slick roadways and sidewalks. Have a (hopefully!) warmer day today :).

  2. These answers made me chuckle! We have a downstairs loo at the back of the house and it's like the arctic in there during the winter, we all opt to go upstairs instead.

  3. Ha, Kim, you did a great job sharing here. We have been so cold here, NEGATIVE 37 degrees!!! Everything is frozen stiff. And our poor cars grumble to start.
    The positive, is we do have sunshine... freezing cold, but sun. I do love the sun and will sit in front of my south window today and soak it in.
    xx oo

  4. Ha! I absolutely agree with all of these... all those excess layers make for a lot more laundry too!
