Friday, 24 January 2025

What I have loved this week! Week 4. #FridayFavourites

Hello and happy Friday! I like to keep things real here on my blog and this week hasn't been one of my favourite weeks. I am not going to dwell on the negatives though, I have some favourites to share and of course I am linking up with Erika and Andrea.

What I have loved this week!

Watching my dad drive!
My dad is the sweetest, calmest person until he gets behind the wheel of his car and then he turns into angry dad. lol I was off out with him during the week and my eldest wanted to come just because she finds him driving funny too and he didn't disappoint. He got shouty and he was justified. I am glad I don't drive, I would get angry too. People not using indicators, pulling out when there's traffic coming and just not moving when there's no reason. As soon as he leaves his car he is the sweet, calm person that I love again. 

Our meals this week seem to have been filled with vegetables. The best meal being the Curried Winter Veg Soup! Butternut squash, carrots, onions, potatoes, parsnips and sweet potatoes all went in. It has been cold here, not as cold as elsewhere in the world but cold all the same so was the perfect time for a hearty soup! I remember a time when my girls hated vegetables but they willingly eat them now which makes me feel good that they are eating a varied diet. It makes me forget all about the instant noodles, crisps and chocolate that they eat. 

Chopped vegetables

Speaking to the same person!
I needed to make some phone calls during the week, it could have been so frustrating if I had to speak to someone who didn't know the history of what I needed to speak about and have to explain everything but I hit the jackpot and got someone who I had spoken to before. Instead of the phone call taking absolutely ages it was done quite quickly! Phew! I hate speaking on the phone especially when things are quite important.

The Inauguration ceremony!
I am not going to talk about the rights and wrongs of Trump but I did enjoy watching the Inauguration ceremony. It was fascinating to watch, seeing all the important people dressed in their best. It was a big part of history and I can at least say I saw it happen.

Inauguration ceremony

Nice breakfasts!
I am rubbish at eating breakfast but I have been making an effort this week, treating myself. It's won't last but it has been nice. Pancakes with fresh fruit, eggy bread, hot cross buns and bacon sandwiches! I need to find the right balance though, I have been eating so well at breakfast I've been either skipping lunch or having it later which has meant some days I've not wanted my evening meal until much later too.

Making plans!
When things are feeling a bit rubbish I like to make plans and have been over the past week. Plans for February half term from college, Valentine's Day and even the summer! So far I am just planning, nothing has been booked. I need to save a little for that.

What have you loved this week?

Friday Favourites


  1. That soup sounds delish! And, I agree about breakfast. I really love breakfast foods. I try to stay very low card during the week and add more decadence on the weekend.

  2. That winter soup sounds delicious! Yes, wasn’t the inauguration fun to watch! I hope you have a wonderful weekend!

  3. I wanted to watch a bit of the inauguration, as I'm not sure I would have patience for the whole thing, but we were on our way to Romania, so I only saw a bit on the telly in the hotel, before falling asleep quickly as we were both very tired.

    Planning takes a lot of time. I hope you can find the perfect thing for you at a very good price too.

  4. I'm almost ashamed to admit I have never ever watched an inauguration before; I'm not usually one for politics but you are right in that it is history in the making.
