Thank you for welcoming me into the Wednesday Hodgepodge community, it was my first time joining in last week and I really enjoyed reading your posts and finding new blogs to read. I am joining in again and got the questions earlier in the week from Joyce over at From This Side of the Pond!
1. What's a winter memory you treasure (can be from any winter in your lifetime)?
I love the snows days we used to have when my girls were little. School would close and they got to spend the day playing outside throwing snowballs and building snow men. Back in 2010 we had a lot of snow and it lasted a good few days before it got slushy and icy. The girls had great fun, I remember them crying because I took them back inside. I had to, they were freezing. They just didn't want to miss out in playing in the snow.
2. Tell us about the last time or a recent time you were caught up in red tape. Does it send your frustration level off the charts or is it something you've come to expect when dealing with any sort of bureaucracy?
It was during the summer when we had things going on in our life. It was so frustrating, the red tape meant we often felt helpless, had to do everything by the book and just wait things out. We are still caught up in that red tape but over the last few months I have learned that it is a process which takes time, lots of time. If I've head "just hang on in there" once I've head it a hundred times.
3. Do you eat/like fish? Do you cook fish at home? What's your favorite fish dish? Ever been ice fishing?
I like fish as long as it doesn't smell too fishy! I don't cook too much at home and what I do cook is usually battered for home made fish fingers or breaded fish. I do love to have fish, chips and mushy peas especially for a meal out or at the seaside.
I have never been ice fishing, frozen lakes are not something that we have here but I love the idea of it, it certainly sounds like and interesting experience.
4. Did you watch any of the US President's Inauguration coverage on Monday, Jan 20? On a scale of 1-10 (with 1 being not at all and 10 being very very) how interested are you in politics in general? Do you follow/keep up with/ get involved with local politics?
Yes, I watched most of the coverage of the President's Inaugurations. It was so interesting. In general I am not that interested in politics, yes I keep up with what is going on in the world but keep my opinions to myself until it is time to vote and then I make sure I do my part.
5. What's the coziest thing you own and what makes it so?
I would have to say my blanket which I am under now. It is part of the living room. It is just a nice thick blanket, of course has a Harry Potter design but it does a great job of keeping me warm in the colder months and means I don't have to put the heating on as much when I am in the house by myself.
6. Insert your own random thought here.
The January Blues are hitting me. I thought I was doing so well keeping myself upbeat but this week so far is testing me. I am sure I will be fine but ugh at life at the moment.
I agree that I don't want my fish too fishy!
ReplyDeleteJanuary blues are a thing! Somehow to me it feels as if today could be January the 73rd. I don't quite understand how it feels like such a long month when the year as a whole always tends to fly by so fast.
I am sorry you are experiencing the blues. Hopefully that ends soon. Warmer weather is on the way (though you probably deal with a lot of rain and gray skies even when your weather warms up). Fun story about your girls crying because you made them come in (not fun that they cried, but fun that they were enjoying themselves so much out there even in the freezing cold!) and cute pictures :).
ReplyDeleteI'm so sorry about the blues. It's a terrible thing. Do something that is a favorite activity, have a favorite meal, and go out for a movie. Sending a big hug.
ReplyDeleteTwo of my grandsons would be out in the snow all day if they were allowed. They don't care how cold it is. I'm sorry you've had the blues. I remember it being very gray in the UK this time of year and that's hard. Hopefully things improve as the days get longer and we have more daylight. Wishing I had a plate of fish and chips and some mushy peas right about now! Have a great day!
ReplyDeleteOh I love a good battered fish and chips but they are getting harder and harder to find around here; so many places are moving to what they call a dry batter which is nothing like the fried crunch of real battered fish and chips. My boys rarely wanted to go out in the snow but then once they were out there I couldn't get them back inside!
ReplyDeleteSnow keeps the littles so busy but it is good to come in and warm up the fingers and toes! Battered fish is my favorite. I do hope you are over the blues soon!
ReplyDeleteOh that photo of beer batter fish is making me hungry - it looks amazing! Beer battered fish is my favorite. Very fun snow photos! Hope your week gets better and you beat the January Blues.
ReplyDeleteMy husband LOVES all fish and catches and cooks them. He says never buy it if it smells fishy. When we visited Ireland, my husband loved ordering fish and chips and when he wasn't eating that, he was eating salmon.
ReplyDeleteYum, to that photo of the fish.
ReplyDeleteTake care... we have been so cold here that winter can get really difficult.
xx oo
I'm late commenting from last week. That fish looks amazing. I liked your answer to #2 and totally agree.