For the last year or even more I have seen the weekly linky the Wednesday Hodgepodge from Joyce over at From This Side of the Pond and never got around to taking part but now that she is posting the questions on a Sunday it gives me more chance to get a post put together so I thought I'm going to join in. Each week Joyce asks 6 questions, we answer and then link up. Simple!
1. It's been said January is 'the month of opportunity, inspiration, and change." Which of the three do you need most right now? Elaborate.
This is a tough one, depending on the time of day I think I need a little of all three but as of writing this I think I would chose inspiration. Inspiration helps us carry through with opportunities and embrace change. It could help me see the world differently and give me some motivation to start some new projects.
2. Do you consider opportunity as something that comes to you or something you create for yourself?
I think it's a bit of both. There are moments when it feels like the stars align and a chance just lands in my lap but other opportunities I feel like I have worked hard for. Sometimes it's about putting yourself out there and saying yes to things you wouldn't normally. Like joining in with this linky, I might join in and then find new blogs to read who are also linking up. That is a great opportunity.
3. The British Museum opened on this date (January 15th) back in 1759. Do you like visiting museums? Do you have a favorite?
I haven't visited any museums for years, not since my girls were younger. We used to love visiting museums and there were some great one's when we used to live near Newcastle, up in the North East. I think our favourite was the Hancock museum. It was such a great day out, there was so much to see and lots of hands on activities for little ones.
4. It's National Oatmeal Month (yes, apparently it gets a whole month as opposed to a single day) you like oatmeal? How often do you eat a bowl of oatmeal? How do you like yours? What about an oatmeal cookie? Is that a sweet treat you enjoy?
I had to Google oatmeal as I knew it sounded familiar but wasn't sure if it was just another name for porridge. I ate porridge three mornings last week. It certainly has been the weather for it. I don't make it from scratch, I get the sachets where you just add milk and pop in the microwave for a couple of minutes. My favourite one's are the one's with golden syrup in and I will always add some fruit.
5. What's something useful you learned in high school?
Friendships can be temporary and that’s OK. In my first year at high school it felt like the friends I made would be my besties forever. By Year 11 my friendship group looked completely different and that’s just life. People grow, change, and take different paths and I learned that it’s okay to let go. The friends who truly matter will stay with you and sometimes letting others drift away is the best thing you can do.
6. Insert your own random thought here.
I am ready for spring and some warmer weather! I am sick of the cold weather and the darkness. As I am writing this on Sunday it is just grey and gloomy. Someone send some sunshine!! On the other hand January doesn't seem to be dragging, it always feels like such a long month but I think it's flying over so far!
I really like this Kim, I might take part as I love answering questions. I think a lot of us learned useful lessons about friendships in high school.
ReplyDeleteThe museum pics are great, I love visiting them and art galleries.
I agree that I can also use all 3 from question 1 at times! January is often a little gloomy and hope you see some sunshine soon!
ReplyDeleteLove your answer on what you learned in high school.
ReplyDeleteI have been reading everyone else's blogs and for some reason, your museum photos reminded me that we, not long ago, went to a medieval torture museum in St. Augustine that was super cool! I'd totally forgotten about that.
ReplyDeleteI've found some of my favorite blogs via the Hodgepodge. Also, the questions have often inspired me to write more on a particular topic in a new post so that's been good. Glad you joined in today! I think what you said about friendships in high school is true. And can still be true in our adult lives. There are friends in our lives for a season and there are friends in our lives for life. It's supposed to be really cold here next week. I'm okay with cold if it's sunny but I'm also ready for warmer weather. Have a great day!
ReplyDeleteEnjoyed reading your answers! I had no idea that porridge and oatmeal were the same thing! I guess it makes sense (I read a lot 19th century British literature and I have come across the word porridge a lot but was never quite sure what it meant- I'm glad I know :)). I like your answer to number two and agree completely!
ReplyDeleteEnjoyed reading all your answers, especially about the things learned in school. A very good life lesson. Do you know, I grew up calling it porridge, and my kids made fun of me, so I got used to calling it by the americanized name oatmeal. Never thought much about it until I saw you mention it! LOL Have a great week and stay warm!
ReplyDeleteHi Kim, Nice to meet you here at the Hodgepodge. Thank you, too, for your visit to my blog and your comment. That was a great answer for what you learned in high school. Very insightful. Cheers!
ReplyDeleteGreat answers! The photo of the Roman soldiers reminds me of a school trip to Chester. It was about the time I, Claudius came out on the telly so we were all about all things Roman.