Sunday, 12 January 2025

A photo every day for a year! 5th - 11th January. Week 2 of #Project365

Hello and happy Sunday! I am writing this yesterday and the sun is shining, the sky is blue but it's ruddy freezing! That has been the theme for this week and it shows in my photos! I hope you have been keeping warm, we've overused the heating but I will worry about that when the bill comes in. I refuse to be cold and miserable. I turn into such a grump if I am cold.

I am having a productive day. Housework is done, the Gousto box has been delivered and put away, mine and Stu's bed has been changed, my dad has been round and it's not even midday! Usually I have a little lie in on a Saturday but I woke just after 8am so I feel like I've done loads! 

Now for a photo every day!

A little snow and monkey in my dad's car
Clear dining table
Iced window and frosty grass
A path and frozen garden

5/365 - 5th January
We had a little bit of snow, this was it! It washed away after a couple of hours with the rain. I was very disappointed as some parts of the UK had loads more, enough for snowmen and sledding. 

6/365 - 6th January
I was off out with my dad, this little monkey makes me smile. My great aunt gave it to him when Becky was a baby, she's 22 now all because he joked and said you never bring me presents now. hehehe

7/365 - 7th January
A clear dining room table means that I had a productive day. I got through a mountain of washing and got it all sorted and put away too.

8/365 - 8th January
The windows on our little shed were frozen on the inside. I had some cans of pop in there and they were frozen too. It's crazy how years ago we just had single pane windows and would have had to deal with them freezing. Thank goodness for double glazed windows.

9/365 - 9th January
The frost on the grass was so pretty.

10/365 - 10th January
We had a chilly walk to my dad's. We did think about getting the bus but we had just missed one so thought it was better to walk than wait for the next one. Just as we got to my dad's the bus went past so we made the right choice, at least we were warm.

11/365 - 11th January
I had to look twice when I looked out of the window first thing, I thought it had snowed. No, it was just a thick layer of frost. It did start to melt by lunchtime. I wasn't bothered, I didn't have to go out.

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  1. It's been chilly here too, although strangely colder temperatures in town according to my car. I want to get round to trying a few Gousto boxes this year - although I think really it's just getting some recipe inspiration that everyone will eat.

  2. It's been a cold week here as well, though sadly not enough snow for the snowman. I haven't tried Gousto, but had Hello, Fresh boxes for a few months last year, and then stopped, as it was getting too pricey without a discount. The monkey story is really cute.

  3. The heating has been on here a lot more than usual, I'm normally pretty frugal about it but thought stuff it. I'm laughing at your frozen pop, Chris had a bottle of squash in his work van and that was frozen solid. How did we all survive without central heating and no double glazing. Have a lovely week ahead.

  4. It's great when you have a day when you get things accomplished. I don't think I'd like having frost on the inside of my windows. The room must be horribly cold. #MMBC

  5. The frost on the grass is so pretty! We had a really chilly week too. Today we had a nice break where it warmed up into the 40's (4 Celsius) and were so excited to get out hiking but it's supposed to drop again overnight.

  6. We only had a little bit of snow too which was disappointing for the kids. The little monkey in your dad’s car is cute and I love the story behind it. The frost on the grass does look pretty. Lovely to have a clear dining table. Can’t remember when mine was last completely clear! #project365

  7. I’ve done nothing but continually make tea and set the radiators higher and higher daily it’s be freezing here too! Love the monkey so cute!

  8. You've certainly had some frosty weather, it's been really cold down here also. We have had some snow but it didn't stick around. Is your dining room table still free of the laundry? We've only got the heating on in the rooms we're using. We put the electric blanket on just before we go to bed rather than have the heating on in the bedroom all evening when no one is using the room.
