Wednesday, 29 January 2025

The Wednesday Hodgepodge! #3

I hope you are all having a good week? It's Wednesday again which means it's time to join in with the Wednesday Hodgepodge with Joyce over at From This Side of the Pond!

Question Marks on Paper Crafts

1. What was your after school routine like when you were a kid?
Ohh! I will go back to the time when my family and I lived on a farm, when I was a teenager. As we lived out in the middle of nowhere I was entitled to a taxi home from school and as long as it was on time I would get home from school at about 3.50pm. I would grab a snack, get changed and then my evening would be mostly spent outside. We always had at least 5 horses with at least a couple needing exercising. Sometimes I would go for a hack around the village and sometimes around the indoor arena that we had practicing show jumping, it all depended on the weather. I would help my dad feed the cows after I had finished with the horses, my favourite part would be feeding the calves which were being hand reared if it was that time of year. In the summer my brother and I would play outside. We wouldn't eat our evening meal until about 8pm and that was always around the table as a family usually with my brother and I doing any homework that we had. I would then maybe watch some TV and then it would be time for bed. I loved that time of my life.
2. January 26 is National Green Juice Day ( I guess it's true everything really does have it's day). Do you juice, as in make your own in an attempt to get healthy? Do you do the green juices? What's your favorite kind of juice (home blended or store bought, either one)? 
I buy fresh juice but I don't make my own. I am not a fan of green juices. A few weeks ago I ordered some juice with a meal deal and they sent me a green juice which I tried and I think it was the added matcha which put me off. I am a big fan of the Innocent Drinks brand, their juices are filled with lots of fruit and extra vitamins. My favourite is Bolt From The Blue which is made from apple, guava, coconut water and a dash of spirulina with extra vitamins 

3. What's something trivial about which you have a strong opinion? 
Pineapple belongs on pizza but only if there is ham! The sweet and salty flavour goes well but pineapple on pizza by itself? That is just madness! 

4. What do you need more of in your life? Less of?
I feel like I need more hours in the day! Just a couple more each day would do me. When it comes to less of something I need less of those every day annoyances which take up time in my day. Like the kids leaving something where it shouldn't be, me going into the kitchen to do something and realising I have to come back to the living room for something or just as I start a job someone ringing me and sending me off track.

5. Give us three adjectives to describe your January.
Grey - It feels like the sun has hardly been shining here!
Comforting – Hearty meals, hot drinks and staying warm!
Long – It’s like 74 days long. Why?

6. Insert your own random thought here.  
A couple of years ago my neighbours were doing all sorts of DIY, they finally moved in and quietened down. They're back at it now. Hammering, drilling and just when I think they have finished they start again.

Wednesday Hodgepodge linky badge


  1. I enjoyed reading your answers! I agree on the pineapple and pizza thing--yes to it, but only with ham. What sweet memories of your childhood you have! I love that you stayed outside until 8 in the summer; I did the same thing! I hope you're having a good week so far!

  2. January has really been the longest month.

  3. I actually agree - pineapple pairs well with ham. I don't think I've had it without ham, to be honest. I'm usually just a cheese and spinach on my pizza type person.

  4. Our neighbors just got a new roof and there was a lot of all day pounding. I was in bed with the stomach bug so the combination was extra awful lol. I am with you on matcha. A little goes a long way! Farm life sounds idyllic but is so much work I know. My dad grew up on a cattle farm, originally dairy but then they converted. We loved visiting my grandparents there. Hope you have a great day!

  5. I hear you on that last one-- we've had 4 houses build on our road in the past year and with the lake everything echoes so there never is a break in the sound. I didn't mind at first but I am so over it now. It sounds like you have some really wonderful memories of growing up on the farm.

  6. I must ask . . . have you been able to go inside and see what all the neighbors have been renovating? I'm not fond of matcha, either. I agree . . .January has been soooo long.

  7. Oh, I loved your answer to #1!! I also grew up on a farm.
    xx oo

  8. That is so neat that you grew up on a farm! I grew up in the country but we did not have a lot of animals (my parents didn't farm). I, too, love pineapple and ham on pizza. I would never consider getting pineapple on it without ham...

  9. I really enjoyed reading about your after school memories. That all sounds like a lot of work, but so rewarding and obviously very happy memories for you. I agree with you about pineapple on pizza and actually my husband and I were just talking about that last week after a trivia question and I said "what kind of lunatic would put ONLY pineapple on pizza?" LOL Have a great week!

  10. I'm with you on the pineapple, I love a good ham & pineapple. Your memories of after school on the farm sound brilliant, that must have been lots of fun.

  11. I enjoyed your answers. My son in law grew up on a dairy farm and worked it for quite a few years after he graduated. They finally had to stop the farm because they just couldn't keep up with larger dairies. I do like pineapple on pizza, but only a little bit and yes, it must have ham.
