Sunday, 17 February 2019

Feeding time at the zoo! #MySundaySnapshot

On Wednesday Ellie had been poorly. She hadn't been sick but felt it and for most of the day she didn't eat anything. I worry when she doesn't eat as she is the one who usually has about 8 meals a day. lol 

To tempt her to eat I offered McDonalds for tea and it worked. She had a Happy meal and a McFlurry! Hooray! In fact a mid week treat was what we needed to cheer us all up!


  1. Bless her. Hope she's feeling better now. Nothing like a treat to perk you up. #MMBC

  2. Oh bless. Hope it passed quickly, nothing better than a takeaway, to fix the ills x

  3. We don't get takeaways often, but when we do it's a welcome treat. Great that she found her apetite for this, and I hope she's been feeling okay since xx #MMBC

  4. Haha, I am jealous can I come and livr at the zoo. I hope she is feeling better soon, it is hard when the little darlings out themselves X #sundaysnapshot

  5. Glad she felt better after the treat #mysundaysnapshot

  6. Glad Ellie is feeling better. McDonalds is always good recovery food for when they're ill!

  7. Hope she feels good this week and has lots of mom's home cooking! #MMBC

  8. Aww bless. Glad Ellie is feeling better. That looks like they are enjoying that xx

  9. Glad she felt better after a Maccy D's #mondaymorning

  10. Aww bless her, hope she is feeling better now. We sometimes have Mcdonald's before we do the food shop, a treat before doing the shopping.

  11. MMMM Macdonalds!!! Thanks for linking up with and for taking part in #MySundaySnapshot.
