Saturday, 9 February 2019

Week 6 of #Project365 - A photo every day for a year!

I've had company all week with Stu having a week off work. It has been lovely. The week has flown over. We've had board games, an appointment at the school. A catch up with the SENCO woman about Ellie. All was good, a shopping trip for a birthday pressie for Ellie's friend and a new Monkey!!

Here's a photo for every day!

33/365 - 2nd February
Board games. It is crazy how loud they can get when they are enjoying a game.

34/365 - 3rd February
The cupboard of doom under the stairs. Stu had planned on tidying it out during the week. He didn't. Ugh!

35/365 - 4th February
Ellie got an invite to a birthday party. She's off to a trampoline park today.

36/365 - 5th February
It was foggy here until lunch time. It looked so spooky.

37/365 - 6th February
We spotted a new soft toy for Ellie. We think he looks just like Ellie's favourite soft toy Monkey!

38/365 - 7th February
They always walk off ahead of me. Eesh!

39/365 - 8th February
A grey and gloomy day. 


  1. It must have been nice having Stu home for the week (even if he didn't sort out the cupboard of doom!). The new toy looks like Monkey's twin! My family always walk ahead of me too. Well, my daughter and I walk together and the menfolk all stride away with their long legs.

  2. lol I might be tempted to turn round and leave them to it if they all walk in front. Glad you enjoyed Stu's company.
    Great monkey twin.
    Hope she enjoyed the trampoline park.

  3. Glad you had a week with Stu at home. The cupboard of doom can wait until he's ready to tackle it. Good to know that the SENCO meeting went well.
    We love board games too. I don't recognise the game your girls are playing. We also had one foggy morning last week. The new toy is Monkey's twin indeed.

  4. Hope Ellie enjoyed the party, N loves a trampoline place. We have 5 second rule as well - great game, although I have to help N a bit

  5. Thats nice that you got to spend the week together. We have a whole conservatory like your under-stairs cupboard. I keep meaning to try and sort it out! Love the Monkey its like a carbon copy. Hope she had fun at the party xx

  6. love the misty shot, my spare room sounds like your cupboard - I open the door, look at it and close it again quickly! #365

  7. Oh the cupboard under the stairs, I think they all look like that, lovely you had a whole week together regardless

  8. I think we all have a cupboard like that right - a Monica cupboard. I feel I have to repeat asking my hubby to help me tidy an area or sort a project. #365

  9. Oh yes, I have a cupboard under the stairs just the same. Glad you enjoyed Stu's company. Hope she enjoyed the trampoline park. We love them here. x

  10. My kids go crazy for a trampoline park, I hope Ellie had a great time #project365
