Wednesday, 13 February 2019

S.W.A.K. Kissable Keychains - Review!

My 11 year old Ellie loves any little collectable toy, if it makes a noise it's even better! Recently we were sent some fab keychains to have a look at from WowWee.

Each S.W.A.K. keychain is lip shaped and comes with KissTech, a unique sensor technology that detects your cheek and gives you a kiss. The longer you hold it the longer it lasts.

There are 12 different keychains in the SWAK collection. Each S.W.A.K. comes with a postcard, sticker, and removable keychain. With a slot located at the top, your S.W.A.K. is also a fun way to display your favourite photos or cards.

We were sent 3 of the fab keychains to have a look at:

Stellar Kiss!

Why wish upon just one star when you can wish upon a billion of them? Close your eyes and dream big with Stellar Kiss!

Glitz ’n Glam Kiss!

Channel your inner starlet with Glitz ’n Glam Kiss! And be sure to invite your friends to the party. What’s a celeb without their entourage?

Prrrfect Kiss!

Cool cats unite! It’s time to unleash all that makes you wild and wonderful with Prrrfect Kiss. Me-ow!

Ellie loved them all. She couldn't pick her favourite. She liked the colour and design of two but the sound of the other better. She has decided to love them all equally and wants to collect more. At £5.99 each they are affordable for her to buy with her pocket money and I can see her buying more as she is so taken with them.

Reviewing these gave us a great opportunity to talk about kissing. I know at 11 years old she is not interested in kissing other people but it opened up a conversation about consent and how she can't go using these keyrings on anyone as they may not like it. She knows to ask permission but she is just going to stick with "kissing" me, herself and her sister if she lets her!

I think the S.W.A.K. keychains would make fab gifts for tween or teenage girls. The designs of them are sassy and the sounds they make are fun! Ellie has already decided to give two away to her two best friends so they can all have fun together.

We were sent these S.W.A.K. keychains free of charge in exchange for this blog post.

1 comment :

  1. These are so cute, I really like the lepord print design X #pocolo
