Friday 15 February 2019

This week my Word of the Week is: Positives! #WotW

This week my Word of the Week is:

What a week we have had. Everyday there has been something to stress me out and test me and I am quite glad this week is over. This post has been quite a hard one to write as there is a lot of our week which I am not going to share. I am going to stick with the positives from our week!

On Saturday Ellie went off to her friends birthday party and had a fab time at the trampoline park. She was worn out by the time she got home and ached for a couple of days but it was the best day ever. It seemed so strange with her not being here on a Saturday afternoon. It was very quiet.

Instead of just playing on the laptop Becky decided to do something productive with her Saturday and got a few t-shirts of hers which she loves but they were stained and faded and dye them. She went off and bought a fabric dye and dyed them all green. She was so pleased with herself. They turned out well and it's like she has a new set of t-shirts.

The Timehop app told me on Tuesday that it was 10 years since Ellie jammed her fingers in the door which led us to find out that she had a heart defect and in turn Becky had the same which ended with open heart surgery. Thinking about it, it is really good timing with it being slap bang in the middle of CHD Awareness Week.

It left me feeling pretty lucky that the accident happened but at the same time it was like a punch in the stomach, thinking about the what if's. I wrote a few posts this past week because I like to raise awareness since Congenital Heart Defects are the most common birth defect.

I got to spend the day with Ellie when she had an unexpected day off school on Wednesday. She wasn't well. She felt achy, sick, worn out and had a bit of a temperature. She spent the day on the sofa under the duvet watching TV. She is so into the Harry Potter films at the moment and she has decided that The Goblet of Fire is her favourite so we watched that. It makes me so happy that she is a fan!

The kids break up from school for half term today and I am so glad. We are looking forward to a break from the routine and a couple of days out. All being well we're going to visit my great aunt and we're also going for a trip to the cinema. Ellie really wants to see the new How to Train Your Dragon film so Stu will watch that with her and I think Becky and I are going to see something else. I have no idea what yet. Stu has the week off work so it's going to be nice to spend some time together.


  1. Sometimes it's best to try and focus on the positives isn't it, it helps to stop you getting pulled under by all of the day to day stresses I find. What a brilliant idea Becky had, I've never thought of dyeing faded clothes. I hope this half term is a great one for you all. #wotw

  2. I'm sorry you've had a tough week but it's good to stay focused on the positives, much less stressful. I hope half term turns out really good, I know we are looking forward to the break. Thanks for linking up to #Wotw xx

  3. So good of you to find the silver linings. focusing on the positives is a great attitude! Enjoy the break from school. #wotw

  4. Sometimes it's only finding the silver linings that get me through the week. Isn't it funny how quiet the house is with one of them missing. Glad she enjoyed the trampolining. I'm glad Becky's t-shirts turned out as planned. Good idea to give them a new lease of life. Hope next week is easier for you and you can enjoy half term. #wotw

  5. Awww glad to see the positives and I know that feeling at the end of the term when everyone is knackered. How you have a relaxing week off X #wotw

  6. Hope you are ok Kim sending lots of love for whatever is going on! Poor Ellie being ill but I am with her I blooming love Harry Potter and omg I had no idea you all had to go though that I bet it was terrifying and thank god she broke her fingers which feel such an odd thing to say x
