Saturday, 16 February 2019

Week 7 of #Project365 - A photo every day for a year!

This past week was a long week. The run up to half term always is but we're here now and the school holidays have started hooray! I seemed to have taken lots of photos this past week and actually had a choice of photos for most days.

Here's a photo for every day!

40/365 - 9th February
She was off to her friends birthday party. She had a fantastic time and ached for days from bouncing so much at the trampoline park.

41/365 - 10th February
The kids finally gave me some of their strawberry creams from their boxes of Quality Street.

42/365 - 11th February
On the laptop.

43/365 - 12th February
I am cheating with this as it's off the Timehop app. From 10 years ago a simple Facebook status which was the start of a rough year for us. The start of the trouble with my girls hearts!

44/365 - 13th February
Ellie had a day off school, on the sofa, under the duvet. She wasn't well but felt better the next day.

45/365 - 14th February
My youngest saved me some of her Love Heart sweets. She is such a sweetheart sometimes. hehehe

46/365 - 15th February
Duck face. lol She does like to play with her Pringles.


  1. Cute week and great pictures! Ur daughters look adorable, funny and lovely

  2. Strawberry creams get gobbled up here first, closely followed by fudge fingers, so I rarely have either. Sounds like Ellie needed a day off. We all need a day off from time to time, just to rest and recharge the batteries.

  3. Glad Ellie was only poorly for a day. The trampolining sounds fun, wish we had a park nearer us as N loves them

  4. Glad Ellie bounced back from her illness quickly. I don't think anybody likes strawberry creams in our house! Wow, 10 years since you found out about your girls' heart problems. That must bring back some difficult memories.
    Hope you all have a good half term.

  5. lovely pics. I am with you about days at home if kids don't feel well. Violet has had a whole 3 days off since the start of the year, so what did I get this week? A letter about her attendance!!! Utterly ridiculous. They go to what is basically a germ pit, and then school wonder why they get ill and complain when they have time off. Does my head in.
    Have a lovely Sunday x

  6. Glad Ellie's illness was shortlived. I think for all this has been a short half term, it's still a tough one because there are so many bugs around.

  7. There have been so many bugs around in January and February, and glad Ellie bounced back quickly. Have a lovely half term with the girls Kim x

  8. laughed at the duck picture.
    Glad she enjoyed the trampolines.
    Nice they shared some choccies with you

  9. Aww those are some lovely pics. It is hard when your kids don't feel well. Glad she enjoyed the trampoline. The duck picture did make me laugh. Hugs xx

  10. Glad to hear Ellie is on the meant. I love doing pringle duck lips haha and I am a parent ;) X #mmbc

  11. Aww those an the orange creams are my favourites. We avoided sweets round Valentines although I can see they could be great fun for scientific experiments and learning #365

  12. Strawberry creams are my favourite along with the orange ones, no one else gets a look in our house. So glad she had a good time at the party. Sometimes they need time to recover there is so much going round at the moment. Hope you are having a great half term x

  13. lol at the duck face, strawberries creams are my favourite also, i wouldn't share them with you. lol. Thank heavens for that broken finger, i know it was a traumatic time, but the timing of it was good in the long run

  14. Glad she was well enough to go to school the next day..there are some nasty lingering virus's going round. The pringle photo made me smile!

  15. Strawberry creams always go first in our house (note to self: find a vegan alternative for next Christmas!) #project365
