Wednesday, 13 February 2019

My blog posts about Congenital Heart Defects. (CHD's). #CHDAwareness

Over the years I have written quite a few posts about Congenital Heart Defects. (CHD's). Instead of rewriting them I thought I would just share some of the one's which are most important to me.

I wrote about The reality of heart surgery. It was a bit of a bit of a mind dump where I explained how I was feeling when my girls got diagnosed and stayed in hospital.

I wrote Where to find help & support when your child has a heart defect. Google is not the answer! When you Google things you always find the worse case scenario! 

I wrote about How having a CHD effects my girls lives. You would never guess they had heart problems if you met them but the signs are there.

I wrote about Louise, Jessica & Little Hearts Matter. Louise who blogs at Little Hearts Big Love has always inspired me to write about heart defects and I felt the need to when her daughter Jessica passed away.

I wrote Full of questions? Death? What if? when Becky had just turned 14. When my girls were diagnosed with their heart problems the doctors, consultants and surgeons said that without surgery my girls would have been dead by their teenage years. It hit me that Becky was a teenager!

I wrote about The Children's Heart Unit Fund. CHUF.  CHUF’s mission is to make life better for children and young people who are born with or develop heart conditions by providing lifelong support to them and their families. 

1 comment :

  1. Lots of useful posts for raising awareness of CHD. Thank you again for your post about Jessica. It means a lot to know that she touched so many people's lives x
