Monday, 24 June 2019

Our weekly meal plan! 24th - 30th June. #MealPlanningMonday

This is the week we move! Eek! I am excited but nervous at the same time. Everything has gone to plan and seems to be going too well. I'm just waiting for something to go wrong. Eek!

I am going to try and plan the meals this week but it's going to be hard with moving and unpacking. I don't expect it to go to plan at all. lol Last weeks was a disaster. I got to the point where I didn't care anymore. We were eating food out of the cupboards so it didn't really matter. One night Ellie ended up with a pot noodle mixed with tinned meatballs in tomato sauce. On Friday it was payday so we ended up getting a chippy tea from the chip shop and on Saturday we had a party tea with chicken bits, garlic muchrooms, pork kebabs, sausage rolls and nibbly bits.

This week on the menu we have:

MondayEverything that is left out of the freezer. Probably breaded chicken, onion rings, microchips and baked beans.
Tuesday - Hot dogs in buns.
Wednesday - Pizza. One last meal from our favourite takeaway at the end of the street.
 Thursday - Moving day! Fish & chips from the chippy.
Friday - Hopefully the food shopping I ordered is getting delivered. I'm going to buy some ready meals because we will be unpacking still.
Saturday - Fajitas or something like that.
Sunday - A roast dinner which I can't wait to cook. In the new house we will have a gas cooker. For the last 12 years or so I've had electric which I hated.


  1. Hope the move goes well and the meals sounds great.

  2. You have no hope this week, bless you! God luck with the move, I'm excited for you x

  3. Good luck with the move and getting settled into the new house - rely on takeaways and ready meals until you're sorted ! :) xx

  4. Eek! I love my gas cooker - sure you will too!

    Also, sounds like a great week of meals. I hope the move goes well (I'm sure it will!)

  5. Not long now, fish and chips on the day of the move sounds great. We discovered that we had a chip shop just around the corner when we moved in...we don't use it anymore though, in fact we rarely go there now, there is a much nicer one just up the road :)

  6. Happy days! I hope everything goes well with the moving so that you will go back to your more ordered lives soon.
    Good luck with cooking up a storm with your gas cooker too.

  7. Hope the move went amazing

    Charlotte xx

  8. good luck with the move and horray back to gas... we have electric as no gas where we live and i do miss it. what is it about fish and chips when you move i remember both times we moved we had that as our first meal with wine in mugs xx
