Friday, 21 June 2019

This week my Word of the Week is: Last! #WotW

This week my Word of the Week is:

It seems like so much has happened this last week. We have all been breathing a sigh of relief for different reasons and we've had quite a few lasts. 

Becky finally had her last GCSE exam! Hooray, they are all over. She did so well and hardly stressed at all. I did all the worrying for her. She worked hard and now we just have to wait for the results. The end of August feels ages away but I have a feeling that it will fly over.

This will be my last Word of the Week post for at least a couple of weeks. We move house on Thursday and I'm going to take a bit of a break from blogging. It will also be my last WOTW as Northumberland Mam as I have decided that when we move I will be changing the name of my blog. I have bought the domain and I've read all the guides so I'm halfway there to adding my own URL. Eek! I will be around on social media. I can deal with a blogging break but not being offline completely. hehehe

The main reason I am changing my blog name is because we are moving out of Northumberland. Yep, I've kept it a secret. We did want a bit of privacy while we sorted things out. I of course will be blogging about where we've moved when we are there and settled.

Ellie has her last day at her current school today! We had always planned for her last day to be today with us moving and her school being too far away to travel to each day but after the last week today couldn't come soon enough. If you have read here over the years you know Ellie has been bullied off and on since reception class. We tell the school, they sort it and it dies down but it always starts back up. It started again over the past couple of weeks and it all came to a head this past week. We spoke to the heads of year and they were helpful but Ellie has had enough, I've had enough, we've all had enough. I'm not slating the school, they have been great, it's the bullies who have been relentless! We are hoping the move and her new school will give Ellie the fresh start that she needs. 

While we were at parents evening we did hear how Ellie was getting on. Every year she has been way behind her peers and not meeting her targets but this time she is smashing through them!! They have an end of year target of +1 and there's a few subjects where she's at a 2 and higher. French, music, art and Science. I am so proud of her. She works hard, she doesn't daydream anymore and the only bad thing they could say that she was a little too quiet. We couldn't have been happier.

Over the weekend we're going to do the last of the packing, well as much as we can do and we are going to have one last party tea on Saturday night. Next week we will be giving everywhere a big clean, we have one last run to the tip to do and that's about it. We're as ready as we can be. It's going to be a big change for us all but we're excited.


  1. Oh wow! Certainly a lot of lasts, I'll be looking forward to you joining back in word of the week when you are settled and with your new blog. I hope Ellie settles well in her new you have her in a new school already, I know I had trouble finding a school for my kids when I moved, it was another one of those things I didn't have time to arrange or think about beforehand. I'll be keeping in touch on Twitter so long as you are around. can't wait to hear all about your new home. Good luck xx

    1. We applied for a new school but we're still waiting to hear that she's in our top choice. They didn't start dealing with the applications until last week, for September. According to the info online the new school has never been oversubscribed so we're keeping our fingers crossed. There's plenty of schools around but ideally we want the one a 10 minute walk away. Becky's already signed up for college she just needs to chat to them about which course she wants. x

  2. Good luck with the move. Lets hope the new school is a success. She has done well this year. Look forward to seeing the new blog and all it holds for you

    1. Thanks you. Ellie has done so well. All I'm changing on the blog is the header and the URL. lol x

  3. Oh wow that is exciting. Good luck with the move and I shall look forward to seeing your new blog when it is up and running. I really hope that a new school will be much better for Ellie. I’m glad that she is doing well in spite of the bullies but it must be horrible when it keeps happening again and again. Hope Becky’s last exam went well and fingers crossed for good results for her in August x #Wotw

  4. How exciting! I hope your move goes smoothly for you and you get your new house set up quickly. I will look forward to reading your new blog! Hope the new school goes well for Ellie!

  5. All change! Hope it all goes well for you all, and you will be back soon with your new identity and all your news! #WotW

  6. Oh goodness. It really is change for all of you. How exciting. Hope the move goes well. Looking forward to hearing all about it and your new blog name. For a moment I thought you were giving up blogging. Well done Ellie for her good parents evening and I hope she likes her new school. Becky must be sighing a sigh of relief. Good luck with the move. #wotw

  7. Hiw exciting and wish you all the best for the new chapter in your life X #wotw

  8. Omg Kim this is so exciting you have totally done the right thing. Poor Ellie bullies are vile, moving Joe's school was the best thing we had ever done. And well done Becky its such a relief when its all over. Best of luck to you all for the move I cant wait to see your new name and new home xxx

  9. Such an exciting time for you all, I hope everything goes well with the move. I hope Ellie settles well into her new school and leaves those awful bullies behind. I'm excited to see what your new blog name is going to be x

  10. That is very exciting for you. That is such a shame for Ellie, I hope she enjoys her new school xx #wotw

  11. Oh wow Kim what an emotional post and full of lasts. So glad the GCSEs are over, and yes it's funny how quickly results day comes around. Best of luck with the move and new blog name, I can't wait for the reveal x
