Friday, 14 June 2019

This week my Word of the Week is: Left. #WotW

This week my Word of the Week is:

Becky my teen has finally left school. She had her last day at school on Tuesday and was home just after lunch. She had a day of rest on Wednesday. It was chucking it down all day and neither Stu and I felt very motivated to do anything. It was his day off so I just let them do what they wanted instead of nagging them to do jobs around the house. Becky used her time wisely and did some more revision. She has just one more exam to do next week and then she has really left school.

We have just under two weeks left until we move house and the upstairs is done. Our bed was just about falling to bits so Stu took it to bits and threw that out and Becky's was creaking and cracking whenever she moved on it so that went out too. We are left sleeping on the mattresses on the floor but I am sleeping better than I have in years. The mattress isn't sinking through the cracks in the slats and it's made it a bit firmer to sleep on. Ellie's bed was the only decent one but she wanted to sleep on her mattress on the floor too, she didn't want to feel left out so she's been moved into Becky's room.

We finally finished packing up Ellie's room. It was hard work but made easier but packing most of it while she was at school. She wanted to keep everything, every ripped book, every battered doll and every single piece of play food. I kept lots for her but did throw out anything that was too young for her or broken, three black bags full of rubbish! Eesh!  Everything that is boxed and bagged up from upstairs is now in her bedroom. It was actually a good idea. We're not tripping over everything that is packed now!

Yesterday Stu rang Sky. We were all set to drop the TV package and get the Super Fast broadband but after speaking to them (they were so helpful) and finding out we are still in contract with them until August we dropped the kids channels which saved us £5 and the evening and weekend calls which was another £5. On the last bill we made £3 something worth of calls, none of them on an evening or weekend so paying the £5 seemed a bit pointless. We are still getting the super fast broadband and it turns out we're only paying a pound more than we're paying now. lol Not bad considering we get about 18mb's per second here and when we move to the new one we'll get at least 68mb's per second. With us being loyal customers they're also not charging us all the activation, engineer and whatever other fees that usually come along with it.

We'll get disconnected here the day we move, broadband connected at the new house the day after an engineer out the next day to put the Sky dish up! Hooray! I'm not going to tell the kids the internet is back on until the house is unpacked and we're settled. I'll be taking a break from blogging so they can take a break from YouTube and Roblox. hehehe 

I also contacted the water, council and British Gas to say we're moving and sort things with them. It's so good that I could do it all online. I will be so glad when I don't have to talk about moving anymore, it's taking up all of our time and thoughts at the moment.


  1. It's such exciting times for you all with Becky leaving school and your impending house move. It sounds like you are making good progress with the packing, my kids would be the same as Ellie I have to sort their rooms when they are at school too. Best of luck with the move.

  2. Not long now, moving is a huge thing. So is leaving school! You are lucky getting re-connected with broadband straight away, when we moved it took over 4 weeks! Plenty of time to get settled in without distractions. Thanks for linking up to #wotw

  3. I can imagine you will be happy once your move is complete and you are all set up in your new place. Good luck with your move! Not too much longer now.

  4. It's all exciting times lay ahead and hope it all goes OK for you. I hate sorting it all out mind but you sound organised I imagine will deal with all the adult stuff haha X #wotw

  5. I'm not surprised that moving is taking up all your thoughts. It sounds like you are getting through it and, just think, you'll be able to relax in your new home very soon. I bet Becky is happy about the end of school and only one exam left. An end of an era. #wotw

  6. Not long to go until you move now! Good luck with all the last minute things and hope the big move goes well. I'm not surprised Ellie wanted to sleep on a mattress too - I'd have been the same at her age! I'm glad that you're getting better sleep for it. Hope that Becky's final exam goes well. Leaving school is such a big milestone x #WotW

  7. Not long to go until the big day. Good luck with all the little bits and pieces. It's not easy. I hope the final exam went well xx #WOTW
