Wednesday, 26 June 2019

We're moving house so I'm taking a break from blogging.

It seems like I've been banging on about moving for ages but tomorrow is the day we actually move. I was going to post this tomorrow but I thought I would do it today so I have one less thing to worry about. Believe it or not I am still not really stressing about the move. I did have a little blip at the beginning of the week where I shouted and stressed at Stu that I needed bigger boxes than the one's we had. I wanted to finish packing the kitchen up. It was not my finest moment. Now all the packing is just about done and we're nearly ready to go. Everything is going to plan so far. Phew!

Today I will be packing the last of the kitchen stuff, there's only a few plates left, the kettle and microwave. We're having pizza for tea tonight and takeaway coffee and bacon sandwiches tomorrow morning! No plates needed. The kids think it's brilliant! lol We have the landlord coming for an inspection, I can't see anything that she will complain about and we have a little bit of cleaning to do too. I swear if the person who moves in here after us is so lucky. The house is spotless. Tonight we will all be camping out and sleeping in the living room. The kids can't wait. I am less than enthusiastic. I have a family full of snorers. lol 

My dad has hired a van and is helping with the move. He will be here early tomorrow morning. We have 1 run to the tip to do then we can put everything in the van and we'll be off. Eek!

I am going to be taking a break from blogging while we move and get settled. I think it's for the best. I could have scheduled blog posts but I think the break will do me good. I have been daily blogging for about 6 and a half years. I am due a break. I will be about on social media as the we're only having to go for about 24 hours without the internet. Phew!

I did mention in last weeks Word of the Week post that when I come back from the break I will be changing the name of my blog. I have bought a domain and will be adding that so it will be something dot instead of it having the blogspot bit in. All that will be changing is the name, the header and my Twitter user name. 

If you do visit and things are looking a bit different here don't worry it is me messing with my blog! I am more worried about changing my blog name than actually moving house. lol I will be reintroducing myself when I am back to blogging which should be in couple of weeks or so if all goes to plan! 


  1. Good luck with the move, hope it all goes well! xx

  2. Good luck with the move! Hope it goes smoothly. Xx

  3. Good luck :)
    I can't wait to see what your blog name is going to be! xx

  4. I'm so excited about this change! Good luck with the move, I hope it goes smoothly xx

  5. I'm going to miss you :( But fully understand. You need time to concentrate on settling in your new home. I hope it all goes smoothly and wish you all the very best in your new home. I can't wait to hear all about it. xx

  6. Good luck with the move (and the lack of kitchen and the communal sleeping !!) and good luck too with the blog update - look forward to hearing about it all when you get back xx

  7. Due a break indeed! I hope the move goes well and I look forward to seeing these changes once back.

  8. Hope the landlord was happy, sounds like there was no reason not to be.
    Good luck with the break, the unpacking and settling in.
    Hope being nearer your dad works well for you all.

  9. I see from your social media that the move went well. What an exciting time for you all! Enjoy getting settled. I think it's very sensible to take a break from blogging. I look forward to seeing the relaunched blog when it is up and running.x

  10. So glad that you are all settled and happy in your new home! And I'm loving the new blog name. Exciting times ahead :) xx

  11. I hope your move went well. I'm just starting my journey and honestly cannot wait for it to be over already. This is the most stressful and time-consuming process that I had to go through.
