Saturday, 2 May 2020

Week 18 of #Project366 - A photo every day for a year!

Another week has flown over and we're into May. We haven't really got up to much over the past week. The weather hasn't been the best which seems to affected our mood. The kids haven't been motivated to do their school and college work like past weeks and even I have less get up and go. I want the sunshine back! 

Now for a photo every day!

116/366 - 25th April
Pink hair and I am keeping this colour.

117/366 - 26th April
We had a roast dinner on Sunday, the first in ages and it was so good. We had all the trimmings including roast parsnips and pork, cranberry and apple stuffing. It's a ready made mix that you just add water too but it's my favourite from Tesco. 

118/366 - 27th April
My peas are growing well. All the rain this week has really helped them along. 

119/366 - 28th April
We had planned on having a salad on Tuesday but the weather was grey and gloomy so we wanted comfort food. We had the waffle pizza fries with a side of garlic bread. It looks like a sloppy mess but is so good. Waffle fries covered in pizza sauce, salami, ham and cheese. 

120/366 - 29th April
Ellie was hard work on Thursday. She didn't want to do any school work. She did eventually and these were some of the maths sheets from the school website which we printed off.

121/366 - 30th April
Becky loves doing her college work at home especially when she gets to go on my fellas computer. 

122/366 - 1st May
Ellie ready for a walk out.

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  1. It's been a funny old week what with the change in weather. It's definitely affected my motivation too.
    Your peas are doing well. I've still got loads of planting to do! I'm so late this year.
    Becky looks busy and I love the pic of Ellie. Your girls really are your double! Pretty like their mum. ;) x

  2. I have also had all a yucky week this week, but here is hoping for next.
    Your peas are doing well.
    We have that family frame, had it for about 3 years, and still needing photos added.
    Love roast parsnips

  3. Your pink hair looks fab! The waffle pizza fries look and sound amazing. It's good to hear that Becky enjoys her college work, but I can totally understand Ellie not wanting to do her schoolwork.

  4. I was just thinking that I'm feeling a bit meh at the moment, so I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one ! Those waffle pizza fries look and sound totally delicious - I could just munch on a plateful right now ! Love the pink hair - so bright and cheerful xx

  5. Wow, that's definitely pink. Looks good on you. Waffle pizza sounds interesting. I'd eat that (well, with potato waffles), but not sure N would go for it. We have a road every Sunday (unless it's a tennis day then it's usually stew)

  6. I am craving a roast dinner but my kids don't like them and there is no point cooking for two. Waffle pizza fries sound awesome

  7. The change in weather definitely has an effect on people's mood - I know I found last week more of a struggle too. Comfort food is good on those kind of weeks and your roast parsnips look delicious. Love your pink hair. Glad Becky is enjoying her college work and that Ellie eventually did her school work too. Fingers crossed for better weather this week. #project366

  8. Those waffle pizza fries sound heavenly I would gladly wolf down some of that right now! Glad your girls got on with some learning, mine need to crack on with it too. We seemed to have tailed off a bit now and lost momentum.

  9. The weather affects our mood too!

    Prefer the pink to the green...looks pretty cool.

    Waffle pizza fries sounds interesting!

  10. Definitely keep the colour! The meal sounds delicious. The waffle pizza fries looks delicious.

  11. I've been having random roasts throughout the week, seeing as days don't have names anymore lol. Love the pink hair, I used to dye mine wacky colours also. Yep the weather changed did cause me problems but it was only for a few days, all sunshine again now

  12. Love the pink hair! Our beans and potatoes are finally flourishing after weeks of staring at empty soil! It is getting harder to make the kids work which is frustrating as they need more attention from me when I'm trying to work :( #project366

  13. It's more difficult without the sun. Love the hair colour. Your seeds are coming along.

  14. The weather is awful here now. I think that makes it harder, doesn't it? I love the pink hair, definitely a win there #project365 (sorry it's late)

  15. I love the colour of your hair. It looks great. The seeds are doing really well. We are doing some too. The weather has been bad here too x
