Saturday, 23 May 2020

Week 21 of #Project366 - A photo every day for a year!

Another week has flown over. It has been a good week, we have done the same as every other week during lock down only this week Ellie has been having Zoom lessons from school and she really enjoyed them. The kids did go for a walk one evening. They haven't been out without either me or Stu since lock down started. They just went around the farmers field out the back of us and had a great time and a little bit of freedom.

Now for a photo every day.

137/366 - 16th May
On a Saturday morning we all club together and clean the whole of downstairs. Each of the girls have their own jobs and once they get started they actually enjoy doing them.

138/366 - 17th May
We had a lovely roast dinner on Sunday. We of course covered it in gravy after I had taken the photo. 

139/366 - 18th May
Stu finally got around to stripping the old and tatty wallpaper from in the hallway and up the stairs. He did the first coat of paint too and it already looks so much brighter and fresher.

140/366 - 19th May
Ellie had an afternoon of baking. Flapjacks and cookies this time.

141/366 - 20th May
When we first moved here the kids argued about who got to do the hoovering, they both wanted to do it. We used to just have wood flooring and the carpets downstairs was a bit of a novelty. They now take turns doing it. It was Ellie's turn when I snapped this.

142/366 - 21st May
Stu and the kids put the tent up. Ellie spent a lot of the day playing in it and we were going to sleep in it but the kids chickened out. I was up for it. Eesh! I'm quite glad we didn't, it rained most of the night. The good thing is that we now know the tent is waterproof and water tight.

143/366 - 22nd May
Becky has been online shopping for her girlfriends birthday and got on with wrapping the presents. She's getting prepared early it isn't "A's" birthday until next month.

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  1. Oooh love the look of your roast dinner - it reminds me that I haven't done a real one for ages ! The tent looks great. I love the fact that you all join in together to do the cleaning - sounds like something I should set up here too ! Well done Ellie for the cooking and Stu for the decorating :)

  2. Happy days! We decorated our stairs during lockdown too x

  3. It's good the girls do the chores around the house. We need to get a rota back because I just don't do it because I'm sick of the only one doing it, and the OH never does what he's meant to. Well done Becky for being organised with the birthday presents.

  4. It's good to hear that Ellie has been enjoying her Zoom lessons. I'm impressed that everyone helps with the cleaning too! Although I must say my kids have been taking on more jobs (voluntarily) since lockdown started. It's nice that the girls got out for a walk together. My younger two go for a long walk together every day.

  5. I do like how you all get together to do the cleaning. I should get H involved. The cooking looks good and it sounds like your hallway is looking brighter.

  6. That roast looks so good! Your lucky that everyone pitches in with the housework. I need to be better at coaxing mine, although they do seem to enjoy hoovering too. I want to get a tent, I think it would feel like a mini holiday even in your own garden! x

  7. Ooh that roast dinner looks very yummy. Love that Ellie seems to enjoy baking so much and great that the girls take turn helping with the hoovering. We've been talking about stripping the wallpaper in our hallway at some point - it's one of the few rooms that we didn't redecorate when we moved in (other than painting the doors). Becky sounds very organised with preparing for her friend's birthday! #project366

  8. I put gravy or a sauce on everything I eat as well, yours looks well yummy. Nice to know they are both still keem to hoover and I love that Saturday is a get it done day and you all join in.
    Good for Stu for getting round to doing the hall and stairs, the worst bit there is in a house.
    Nice Becky has things organised early for her friend.

  9. Your roast dinner looks very tasty. Glad to hear that girls are helping with chores in the house and also do baking. I wish Eddie had Zoom lessons. His teacher called once on the phone, but that's it. All the homework is done via apps. A tent looks good, but I don't think I would want to spend a night in the garden. :)

  10. The roast beef dinner looks amazing, it has me drooling! It's fab the kids have a field out at the back to run around in and burn off steam! Walks are definitley keeping us going at the moment, it's lovely to get out in the fresh air and dust off the cobwebs. You are braver than I am just simply putting up a tent! Sim #Project366

  11. You sound like you have a lovely balanced family life with everyone pitching in to help out. Glad to hear they get on with their chores, can't image my kids fighting over wanting to Dinner looks fab, I was wondering where the gravy was, especially with you being northerners

  12. Sounds like you have this lockdown life down and going well. Well done on the chores front. Your dinners look fab. x

  13. Oh thats a good idea giving them a each a job to do..I should do that with the girls and make sure they help out each week!

    Flapjacks and cookies sound good! We haven't tried flapjacks yet

  14. Good for them to have some freedom and to enjoy and do their jobs. The food looks delicious. Hhahaa sorry the tent plan didn't end up as planned

  15. I would say that is the biggest challenge with lockdown getting some space from each other in the nicest possible way. Great the girls got a chance to have some time on their own. I think its great that the girls help out so much around the house. We slept in a tent a couple of weeks ago... apparently we are doing it again soon!! Maybe you can convince the girls.

  16. Eliza keeps asking for a roast dinner but the boys don't like them so find it tricky. Bet the kids loved their freedom, mine still haven't been out without us

  17. We camped in the garden near the start of lockdown and it was freezing! I think we will try again in a couple of weeks. I wish my kids would help with the tidying: my house is a tip right now and I've given up! #project366

  18. My kids keep wanting to camp in the garden, but I am not convinced they will sleep the whole night. Your roast looks amazing! #project365
