Sunday, 14 February 2021

Happy in the snow. #MySundayPhoto

 We have had snow for the last week. I think yesterday was the first day that it didn't actually snow. It has given us the boost we needed to get through the last week of home learning before half term. It was just the excitement we needed.

My girls are not unhappy, far from it but life has become a bit boring lately and getting out and playing in the snow made them so happy. It's the most they've laughed and giggled in ages!

My girls playing in the snow

My Sunday photo linky


  1. Oh my word Kim, exactly the same situation in our household. The kids are not unhappy, but life has become so monotonous and snow has made it that bit easier and given them something else to do.

  2. What a lovely photo! They look very happy indeed. It is good to hear that they are generally happy, despite lockdown.
    We haven't had snow this week. We had a nice big snowfall three weeks ago, but it just lasted for a few hours.

  3. We all need a good giggle sometimes. I'm glad your girls had some fun in the snow. It's raining here today, which is nice because it's not so cold. The past few days have been freezing!

  4. It must make you so happy to see your girls laughing and playing. #MySundayPhto

  5. Yay that looks a good amount of snow, we didn't get any here

    Thank you for linking up to #MySundayPhoto

  6. It looks like they were having great fun! I wish we got snow occasionally.

  7. They sure do look like they are having lots of fun!

  8. That's a great photo of your girls having fun together in the snow. We didn't get much last week but what we did get was still enough to give us a little boost too :-) #MMBC

  9. The snow has been a welcomed change #mysundayphoto

  10. Aww fab pic - they look like they're having loads of fun! :) #MMBC

  11. Yay you finally got snow, looks lots of fun X

  12. Great picture of your girls... Joyful faces.

  13. We know the feeling - it's getting a bit boring being stuck inside isn't it? I'm so glad that you got some snow to enjoy!
