Tuesday, 23 February 2021

Why I want my girls to learn to drive.

Becky has been waiting to learn to drive for what seems like forever but it's only a year and about 5 months since she turned 17. She faffed around getting her photos signed for her provisional licence and then it was put on the back burner when the first lockdown happened. When Becky was nearly 18 she needed some photo ID to take the money out of her Child Trust FundBecky finally got her provisional licence just before her 18th birthday and withdrew the money from her Child Trust Fund and that is sat in her bank waiting to start driving lessons. Obviously at the moment driving lessons are not possible until the lockdown restrictions are lifted but she is itching to get started.

Driving a car

Over the years Becky has realised how important it is to learn to drive. Neither Stu or I drive and because of that we miss out on so much. Public transport can only get us so far and takes such a long time compared to taking a trip in a car. Where we live is pretty rural compared to when we lived in Northumberland. There is one bus into Scunthorpe or one going the other way to Hull every half hour and even the simplest trips out to places like McDonalds or a big supermarket takes 2 buses. We can't just have an unplanned day out as we have to rely on public transport and it really has been no fun during lockdown. I certainly haven't fancied getting on a bus with goodness knows who coughing all over me.

One of my biggest regrets in life is not passing my driving test. As a child I lived on a farm and drove tractors, dumper trucks and motorbikes so it's not like I didn't know the basics. My dad bought me a car when I was 17 and I drove lots with my dad supervising but I just didn't have the confidence. If there were no other cars on the road I would have been fine but I don't think that was ever going to happen.

When I met Stu he didn't drive but did have some lessons then the girls got diagnosed with their heart problems and all the spare money went on bus fares too and from the hospital. He was going to start his lessons again then we moved house in Northumberland and that ate up all our savings. Then something else has came up over and over again. I'm not just making excuses, we just don't have the money.

I don't think I will ever learn to drive. I get road rage just sitting in a passenger seat of a car. I swear some people just think indicators are there for decoration. I was crossing the road the other day with the girls and I got ranty about a car which slowed right down when we were waiting to cross. He wasn't going fast to start with but slowed to a snails pace, I'm sure he was just being over cautious but we had to stand there for longer. Ellie turned to me and said calm down, imagine if you were driving, you'd have total road rage! Oops. lol

Becky has realised that she needs to drive and I am so glad about that. At the moment all she is thinking about is driving to see her girlfriend, shopping trips and going on road trips but I know in the long run it will make her life easier. Getting to and from college and then in a couple of years to work and back. We live in a small town and jobs are limited and I don't think there will be any for Becky when she finishes college. Relying on public transport isn't fun so a car would open so many doors for her.

Ellie has a few years before she can think about learning to drive but she is all for it. She even has a car picked out already. lol I do hope my girls learn to drive and maybe then they can take me shopping and to McDonalds. hehehe

Do you drive or did you never learn?


  1. Haha! I love the lift to McDonalds goal! I absolutely love driving, I passed my driving test at 17. I would be so lost without our car and you are so right, learning to drive will open up so many doors for Becky. xx

  2. All of my kids learned to drive when they were 16, as did I. No...I think my oldest was 17. I loved it when the older ones learned to drive, because then they could drive the younger ones around and I didn't have to!

    1. 17 is the minimum age here.
      I am so glad all of yours have learned to drive. It does open up the world. x

  3. My parents had to threaten me into getting my license just around my 18th birthday as I was terrified to learn how to drive. My husband is the one that actually taught me to drive and he was so patient. I did take a driving class since that leads to reduced car insurance here in the U. S. and while it was years before I really enjoyed driving I was so glad they forced me to face my fears. Where we live public transportation is non- existent and I honestly don't know what I would have done without it. My oldest son just got his license in December and I love seeing his independence blossom. I hope your daughter gets to enjoy some driving time soon.

    1. Driving seems so scary to me. Good on your husband for teaching you. x

  4. I don't drive either. Sophie did start learning just before the lockdown but that all stopped due to covid. Luckily the buses are free in our town, which is great, plus we have a bus stop right near our house. It would be a nightmare otherwise though!

    1. Ruddy Covid! I hope Sophie carries on when this is all over.
      That is great that the buses are free for you. For us it works out cheaper getting delivery from a store than paying the bus fare x

  5. I don't drive so I am so glad my teen is learning. she started October 2019 when she turned 17 but her test keeps getting cancelled due to lockdowns. I am hoping they let her rebook a test soon as she has one booked for next week that won't be happening and it wont let her rebook online. xx

  6. I passed when I was 21, prob best thing I ever did as it gave me my independence!
