Monday, 1 February 2021

Our weekly meal plan! 1st - 7th February. #MealPlanningMonday

Our Weekly Meal Plan

Here we are, in February already. I do like this month, there's Chinese New Year, Valentines and pancake day and it is of course a shorter month.

Last weeks meal plan went well. We ate just about everything apart from the pizza on Friday. We moved that to Saturday because I had bought some fancy one's from Iceland. The Detroit Style Fully Loaded Pizza's. Cheeseburger with Burger Sauce Drizzle for the kids and Stu and I had the  Meatball Marinara with Garlic Dressing one. They were huge and were just OK. They were rather doughy and not that full of flavour like they looked. I don't know if we'll get them again. On Sunday had toad in the hole again. I cheated and bought ready made ones.

On the menu this week we have:

Monday - Chicken casserole and mashed potato.
Wednesday - Hot dogs in buns with fries.
Friday - Fish finger sandwiches.

What are you eating this week?

Meal planning linky


  1. Thanks for the toad in the hole idea - we haven't had that for ages! We're having homemade tomato soup with garlic bread today and tomorrow I'm cooking goulash. It's definitely soup and stew weather at the moment!


  2. Wait...there is a pancake day? How did I not know about this? I also need to look up toad in the hole. I have no idea what it is, but I am hoping it doesn't involve an actual toad! :) I am making lentil soup and sourdough bread for dinner tonight.

  3. We have fish finger rolls on our menu for this week too! I really fancy some lovely crispy ones in a warmed brioche roll.
    We also tried some new tex mex inspired hot dogs last week which were yummy

  4. Enjoy katsu curry we are trying katsu wraps this week. in fact your whole week sounds so comforting, we love pancake day they have sweet and savoury x

  5. I feel like everyone is eating katsu curry - really makes me want to make some!

  6. Sounds like a delicious week! I think with everything going on I am going to try and make an effort with things such as Chinese New Year etc this year!

  7. Toad in the hole is one of my all time favourites...we had left over batter last time so we made pancakes! I love katsu curry too. If you ever see something called Golden Curry it tastes just like katsu, but it's in a box and is kind of like stock cubes. Very convenient :)

  8. We made meatball and garlic bread tray bake last week. I laid the slices over the top but actually I like the idea of tearing them up better so I think we will have to try this one again. #MMBC

  9. Our homemade pizzas stuck to the tin foil so badly this week that we couldn't eat them and ended up with take out (again!) at the last minute.

  10. Aha, we had hot dogs at the weekend too , because they had hot dog buns and proper hot dog sausages in Lidl for once ! The pizzas look really nice - shame they were a bit of a letdown.

  11. Katsu curry is one which we love as well. For sure we will be celebrating more of these occasions this year it seems like something to look forward to x

  12. I do love katsu chicken, but am far too lazy to cook it myself haha. I cannot wait for pancake day! x
