Tuesday, 16 February 2021

What I am looking forward to when life goes back to normal - part 2.

 Last year I wrote a blog post about what I am looking forward to when life goes back to normal. What is normal? The normal life we had before Coronavirus seems like a distant memory and when I wrote that blog post I really did think we would be back to some sort of normal by now. 

I remember the first lockdown when it was said it would only last three weeks. hahaha I feel so naive, here we are nearly a year later from that first lockdown and things got worse, beyond belief. I think we all know someone who has had Covid and sadly many of us know people who have been killed by the awful virus. It really has changed our lives.


It seems ages since I last saw my dad. Thankfully he has fully recovered from Coronavirus when he caught it in November and I am still patiently waiting to give him a hug. We have seen each other briefly a handful of times when he has dropped things off here but I miss going to his home and business.

The vaccine is giving me hope at the moment, my dad has his last week and Stu, Becky and I are patiently waiting for our turn. At the moment everyone being vaccinated is a way out of this nightmare we've all been living. I never thought I would be looking forward to having an injection but I am.

I am missing time alone. I don't think I have been home alone since September. Stu worked part time then was furloughed again, the kids spent time self isolating, Ellie once and Becky a couple of times. Then the Christmas holidays came and the schools and colleges closed. I love my family to bits but there are times when I just want to be in the house alone.

It's the kids I am feeling sorry for. They haven't seen their friends since before Christmas. The last time Ellie saw her best friend was the end of November as her friend had to isolate. We still have her Christmas presents here for her and will be adding a birthday present to the bag as it's going to be at least March until she see's her again and that is if the the school reopens. Becky hasn't seen her girlfriend since Christmas and that was just a social distanced chat and an exchange of presents. They've missed seeing each other on their first anniversary and Valentines day. They are of course still video chatting every day and messaging each other. I can't wait until they get to see each other properly and spend some time together.

Becky is happy learning from home but the novelty has well and truly worn off for Ellie. She has said I am stricter than a teacher and make her work more. I don't, she just does the work that is given but I make her do it straight away and properly. She has came up with many reasons why she can't do her school work but they don't wash with me. hehehe I am looking forward to not having to think about French verbs, algebra, stem cells and volcanos.

I am looking forward to not worrying as much! Back in March my Word of the Week was Worry. I don't think I have stopped worrying and stressing since then. My reasons have changed though. I am less worried about myself or my catching Coronavirus now. My dad has had Covid and has now been vaccinated and so has my great aunt but now I am worried about Ellie falling behind at school even though the school are doing all they can to educate the kids. She should be picking her GCSE options anytime soon and I am thinking ahead worrying about Ellie taking her GCSE's.

By now I thought things would have calmed down with the online grocery shopping but nothing much has changed with Tesco, I still have to book a delivery about a month in advance. Thankfully Sainsburys and Morrisons always seem to have plenty of slots. I am used to shopping for everything else online and discovered that Tu Clothing from Sainsburys is pretty amazing. I only went on to buy some new knickers, all mine seemed to be falling to bits and decided to treat myself to some new jumpers and pj's. I am very impressed. I am still missing going to Primark but at the moment it does seem like I could happily live without it.

What are you looking forward to if like ever gets back to normal?


  1. I can relate to wanting to be alone. For a time both my husband and I were working at home and I found myself getting annoyed. Now I’m at home and he’s in the office. It works much better!


  2. I just can't wait to have the freedom to do whatever without restrictions X

  3. I feel pretty similar with wanting some time alone and missing extended family and worrying about schooling

  4. I'm so sorry your Dad had the virus, but glad he's recovered. I definitely didn't expect things to last this long when we went into the first lockdown. I mean, I remember writing a post on my blog in March last year pretending it was 18 months from there and we would be completely back to normal. Now, though this hasn't been completely ruled out yet, my guess is it'll take much longer. #MMBC

  5. Its kind of crazy to look back and think that even just a year ago we had no idea what was in store for us. I miss so many things - of course, most of all seeing extending family - but on the small scale it is even just the simple things: borrowing actual books from the library, browsing a shop without thinking about getting in & out as quick as possible, etc.

  6. I can relate so much to all of this! You must be relieved that your dad has had his vaccine. I hope you get to spend some time with him soon.
    It's awful that the kids can't see their friends. My son somehow managed to get a girlfriend just before school ended. He goes for a walk with her once a week and my eldest usually goes for a walk with his best friend a couple of times a week. My daughter hasn't seen her best friend since school finished though.
    The kids are both doing well with their learning, but they want to go back to school for the social side and are desperate for sport to come back.
