Friday, 20 March 2020

This week my Word of the Week is: Worry! #WotW

This week my Word of the Week is:

What a week we have had. Of course the reason for my worry is the Coronavirus! This time last week I was just starting to worry about it but this week I have found myself really stressed about it.

Monday was my worst day for feeling anxious. I spent the day not being able to settle or concentrate on anything. I found that taking myself away from social media helped. I only popped on throughout the day to do what I needed to do and tried to ignore what everyone else was saying. By the afternoon I realised I could "mute" words on Twitter and that has made it a much nicer place. I stopped watching live TV, took myself out for a walk, had a soak in the bath, watched a film and carried on with my cross stitch.

To be honest I don't even know what I was worrying about, there wasn't just one specific thing. I think it was just all the uncertainty of everything. Boris saying stop all non essential travel and contact with others but keep sending the kids to school just added to my confusion! 

I have been worried about the girls. Ellie being at school and Becky getting the bus to college and being at college. They both have heart conditions (leaking valves) and up until Tuesday it wasn't very clear to who should self isolate. I had talked to people on one of the heart groups on Facebook and decided to keep sending the kids to school and college. Ellie's school have been good by sending everyone home who has any symptoms, especially those have a cough or a temperature. Some of the kids may have been taking advantage of this by fake coughing just to be sent home. Ellie said some of her friends have done this. By Wednesday there was only about 8 or 9 of them in all of her lessons. We got word on Wednesday that the schools and colleges will be closed here from Thursday. Becky was told her college would be closed until the 20th of April and Ellie has no date to return yet.

Along with Boris announcing all the schools were to close on Friday there was also the news about all the exams being cancelled. I really do feel for all those kids who were preparing to take SATs, GCSE's and A-levels. Becky took her GCSE's last year and I couldn't imagine getting to this time in the school year and just be told they're not happening.  

I have been worrying about my dad. He should be isolating himself with him being over 70 but he has a business to run. He's between a rock and a hard place. I can't say much about it without giving away his business but if he shuts it down people who rent from him won't be able to work (they are self employed) even though they are still able to at the moment. He is keeping his distance from people and of course his partner is doing a lot of dealing with the people but I am worrying.

My great Aunt is 80 odd year old and she is keeping her self inside and she is already bored. I spoke to her on the phone the other day and she really surprised me. She's a worrier and I was worried about her worrying about the coronavirus but she's not at all. Phew! She is taking it quite well. She had  a lot to say about people stockpiling and Boris. Eek!

My food shop from Iceland was delivered on Saturday and everything came! Phew! I didn't really go overboard, I just bought a few extra things for the freezer. I looked at Tesco and saw the slots were filling up fast and booked one for this weekend on Friday, last week and I'm glad I did as they are now fully booked until the 8th of April. I am not expecting to get much but it's worth a try. It is going to be interesting the way the supermarkets are limiting 3 items per person. We were planning on homemade pizza. I am hoping they do send the 4 pizza bases, we all have a tub of Pringles on a Saturday night, I guess we'll be sharing. lol 

Thankfully our little local Tesco is well stocked. All it was missing during the week was loo roll, own brand beans and gravy. I would like to see them having some more of their own brand products in which are cheaper. We have a fab little butchers locally who is getting deliveries every day and an amazing farm shop. We will be spending more on food but we won't starve. 

I feel a lot better at the end of the week compared to how I felt at the beginning. I hope you are all keeping well and are doing what you need to do for your family. Take care!


  1. It's such a worrying time for everyone, I felt the same on Monday with all the uncertainty. Life is going to be very different for the forseeable and I do find myself having at least one little cry a day at the moment, we must get on with it though the best we can. Take care of yourself and your family x

    1. I feel better now we're all at home but it has been such a big change. Take care x

  2. Its a lot to worry about and it's going to get worse before it gets better. We are already a week into self isolation and now I'm worried about Graham who is really not feeling well. It seems there is no way of avoiding it. The shopping is insane. I got enough to last us a week. I have no idea what we will do afterwards. x

    1. I hope Graham is feeling better now and the rest of you are keeping well x

  3. These are difficult times, aren't they? Our leaders don't make it easier. One day, they are telling us to live our lives as normal, the next, they are imposing travel restrictions and telling everyone to stay home. It causes anxiety for sure. Stay safe, Kim!

    1. It has been hard to keep up with what the leaders have been saying. There has been a lot of mixed messages but now that everyone is staying home I hope things start to improve! Take care x

  4. I admit I found the messages coming from Mr Johnson confusing — don't mix but stay at school, or something like that. We are all having to get our heads around all this, and it is not easy. But people are resilient. #WOTW

    1. It was very confusing. I hope you and your family are keeping well x

  5. It is such a worrying time with all the uncertainty and especially so when you have more vulnerable people to worry about. I hope that your girls and your dad stay safe. It is hard when you are running a business - we have had a similar problem trying to work out what best to do while keeping people safe. I'm glad that you managed to get your shopping delivered and it sounds like the local shops are reasonably well stocked too. Stay safe Kim x #WotW

    1. It has been a worrying time. Now that everything has just about closed down and Stu and my dad are staying home I feel better about things x

  6. I found my worry was watching everyone panic buying. I felt much better one our shopping delivery had arrived (which was our standard weekly shop I hasten to add) I expect the worries will restart once we get going with trying to educate our children now the schools have shut :-( #MMBC

    1. The panic buying was ridiculous. I felt so angry about it. I felt the same when our shopping arrived too. I hope you and your family are keeping well and the schooling is going OK x
