Saturday, 7 March 2020

Week 10 of #Project366 - A photo every day for a year!

It feels like spring has sprung. I went out yesterday without a coat on and didn't complain about being cold. I really don't know what I've done with the past week but it has flown over.

I am looking forward to the weekend. Becky and I got all the housework done yesterday. The big clean that we usually do on a Saturday so that's not to do today. The kids are going out both separately and my fella will no doubt be going to the local auction so I am going to make the most of being at home alone and I'm going to dye my hair. It might not seem like a long job but I'm sick of the red so I'll have to lighten it before I dye it purple. Then on Sunday we will have a lazy, PJ day. Probably watching films and not doing much at all. 

Now for a photo every day!

My youngest girl jumping on a trampoline and a basket ball hoop
A close up of a glass and jug with poppies on.
Our back door with new green paint on and cross stitch pattern in a yellow frame.
A white chocolate snowman and the mixture to make a bath bomb

60/366 - 29th February
Ellie got a mini trampoline and it didn't take her long to build up her confidence and nearly reach the ceiling. She was soon moved outside and has jumped every day since. It was well worth the £2 we paid for it.

61/366 - 1st March
The basketball hoop was put on the front of the garage. The kids love it.

62/366 - 2nd March
A close up of the pretty pattern on the Hand Painted Carafe Set I was sent to review.

63/366 - 3rd March
Stu gave the back door a fresh lick of paint. It really brightens the back of the house up and makes us realise even more that the outside walls need painting.

64/366 - 4th March
I painted a picture frame to match the bathroom and put my finished cross stitch pattern in it. I think it looks so good!

65/366 - 5th March
Becky brought out this white chocolate snowman that she had hoarded from Christmas. I knew she has a secret stash of chocolate. Luckily it was still good to eat, I checked the date on it. lol

66/366 - 6th March
We had a go at making our own bath bombs using a kit we were sent to review. The blog post will be live next week.

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  1. Aah I'd forgotten you had red hair ! I want to see a photo of the new colour now ! Love the cross stitch - well done ! Have you started another kit now?

    1. The dye went wrong and it ended up a patchy purple/pink. I am back to the red now. lol
      I am waiting for my next kit to be delivered. Hermes is keeping it hostage. My local one doesn't deliver on a Monday or Tuesday. Grr x

  2. Oh, I want to see the hair - saw on twitter it was a bit of a disaster! Good bargain on the trampette.

    1. It's back to bright red now. lol The patchy purple looked awful x

  3. Your back door looks really good - as does your cross stitch! Great picture of Ellie on the trampoline, definitely not for indoor use!

    1. The back door is a really pretty colour. Thank you.
      She was moved outside quite quickly with the trampoline. x

  4. The jumping photo is fab! Way to go! And what a bargain! Love your cross stitch, and a nice frame to go with it. I saw your post on Insta and Twitter, that the hair dye didn't go as planned.
    Did Becky forget about her chocolate, or does she have an iron will and can resist it?

    1. Thank you! I painted the frame to match my bathroom. hehehe
      Ahh! Becky has an iron will and she's such a hoarder. lol

  5. The cross stitch looks fab in that frame. love the design on that carafe set #366

  6. Your cross stitch looks absolutely amazing! Are you planning to start another one now?


    1. Yes! I am waiting for my new kit to be delivered :D x

    2. I look forward to seeing the next pictures :o)

  7. Love the jumping action shot, that sounds fab. The cross stitch is brilliant. I am so bad at things like that. Have you sorted your hair dye? xx

    1. Thank you!
      Yes, my hair is fixed. I went back to red x

  8. The cross stitch is really good! Love it.

    I think the pattern on the Carafe Set is lovely! Love things like that!

    Think it was a good idea taking the trampoline outside!

  9. Love your finished cross stitch picture and that yellow frame really sets it off beautifully. I also love the colour of your back door. Becky sounds like me - I often end up hoarding chocolate and eating it months later too! Good idea to take the trampoline outside. #project366

    1. Thank you! The bathroom looks fab now with all the yellow.
      Ohh! I can't hoard chocolate. When I get it I have to eat it x

  10. Dinky and Spud got bath bomb making kits for Christmas and love them.
    I am sure the Snowman would have months in him yet, apart from being eaten.
    The rabbit looks great, and I like the colour of your back door.
    I think the trampoline is better outside

    1. The snowman was still good until this time next year!! lol
      Thank you x

  11. What is wrong with Becky? Hoarding chocolate? I'd hunt it out if it was hidden in my home, lol. Good paint job on the kitchen door, love the cross stitch

  12. The girls are getting very active this week. I do like your cross stitch and it looks great framed.

  13. Trampolines in the house are dangerous so good that it's outside. I love trampolines and basketball. The pattern looks simple yet elegant. The cross stitch work is amazing. Cute snowman. Making your own bath bombs? This will be interesting

  14. My cross stitch has taken a back set again but hoping to get going with it now work is on hold... We have a bath bomb set that I won, must dig it out! #project366
