Sunday, 29 March 2020

She's not loving the lock down! #MySundaySnapshot

Not being able to get out and about is effecting us all but out of my family I know my teen Becky is most bothered by it.

She hasn't been able to meet up with her friends, go to college or see her girlfriend. It is hitting her hard. She's was feeling a little lost and sad at the start of the week but as the week has gone on she has just learned to accept things are the way they are and there's nothing she can do about it.

Her and her girlfriend have made the best of a bad situation and thank goodness for technology. They've been phoning each other and video chatting and as the week has gone on she's realised she just has to get on with things and treat it as a long distance relationship.


  1. I think it must be hitting the teens the hardest, it's the time when they do their most socialising. I don't think I was home for five minutes when I was a teen. I'm glad we have the technology to keep in touch these days. x

  2. I imagine it must be really tough for Becky at her age. Sending her the biggest hug! xx

  3. She does look sad on that first picture! I'm glad she is adjusting to it now. I've been very impressed with how my kids are coping, but they are not used to seeing their friends out of school and none of them have girlfriends or boyfriends to worry about.

  4. Teens are meant to be out and about and not hanging out with mum and dad! Such a shame. #MMBC

  5. I think we just need to be thankful for the technology for being able to communicate! Hope she is feeling better about it all. #MMBC

  6. Good day Ms. Kim - sorry the oldest is having a problem adjusting. Let's face it - adolescence by definition means socializing. Hope everyone stays safe! #MMBC

  7. It is tough on them. Little comfort, but they are all in the same boat, so not missing out in a sense. My three are using tech to keep in contact with their friends, too. Imagine if they didn't have that! #mmbc

  8. Nobody likes a lock down - poor love
    Thanks for sharing and for linking up with #MySundaySnapshot
