Monday 30 March 2020

Our weekly meal plan! 30th March - 5th April. #MealPlanningMonday

Last weeks meal plan went well, we swapped a couple of meals around but we ate everything I had planned apart from the roast dinner on Sunday. I made enough curry on Saturday to have on Sunday too. By midweek we had started to run out of tins. Beans and peas mostly and they are a staple in our diet but thankfully a little corner shop was well stocked and not too overpriced.

I have been so good this year and have made a point of eating breakfast every day. I have a yoghurt and a muffin most days. It might not be the healthiest but it's working for me. I ate all the muffins I had and was starting to skip breakfast again. I had thought about baking my own but we were running low on flour but when I visited the little corner shop they had a great selection of muffins in! Hooray! I also found some sweet waffles and brioche for the kids too! I am hoping to get some mince for the spaghetti bolognese later in the week but if I can't it will be a veggie one. 

This week on the menu we have:

Monday - Minced Beef Hotpot and veg. A frozen tray bake from Iceland.
TuesdayTuna fish cakes, chips and baked beans.
WednesdayChinese chicken & egg fried rice. I found some Chinese marinade seasoning in the cupboard which I'll use.
Thursday - Spaghetti bolognese and garlic bread.
Friday - Leftover bolognese in wraps. If I can't get wraps it will be in tacos.
Saturday - A freezer dive. Pizza, onion rings, chicken dippers and corn on the cob.
SundaySausages, mash & veg.

What are you eating this week?


  1. i have seen a few parents posting there mainly teenage girls hissy fits on facebook. Teenagers never change

  2. Love the 'freezer dive' idea - might have to steal that one! #MMBC

  3. Lovely sounding meal plan. What a crazy few weeks its going to be.Stay safe x

  4. Ooh tuna fish cakes, I could make some of those - not this week, as we're out of potatoes (eeek ! lol) but it's a great way of using up mash. Have a good week :)

  5. We are digging through the cupboard this week and using up some cornmeal. Hopefully not too soon. #MMBC

  6. I love the idea of using wraps for leftovers. That’s a good idea. Tuna fish cakes sound good too!

  7. Love a freezer dive and your week sounds lovely I do love a tuna fish cake

  8. Now my family are home I am having to be a bit more organised with meal planning, they get cooked lunches at school or work so I only have to cook for me! I need to get creative with recipes too - thank you for sharing the tuna fishcake recipe, it sounds yummy!


  9. Thank goodness for the local store hey! This is a great litle meal plan and I hope you're keeping well x
