Saturday, 21 March 2020

Week 12 of #Project366 - A photo every day for a year!

What a difference a week makes. Life seems to have changed so quickly and everything is so uncertain with the Coronavirus. We are trying to find a new normal but so much is changing on a daily basis. My dad's business is just about shut down which is probably for the best as he is 70 odd years old and the more he keeps away from people the better. Stu is still working but we don't know how long for but I feel a little better knowing he will still get some money as of yesterday's news.

I have still kept up with taking a photo every day. They are not the most exciting or the best but I guess this is life for now.

Fried chicken, fries and onion rings and Trolls on the TV
My youngest ready to go out and a box of broken biscuits
My cross stitch pattern
My teen washing the dishes and the kids getting their bikes out of the garage

74/366 - 14th March
Fried chicken, fries, onion rings and garlic bread. Not what we had planned for tea but it was so good.

75/366 - 15th March
We watched Trolls. It's one of those films my girls and I love.

76/366 - 16th March
Ellie got in from school was changed in record time and off out to play with friends. 

77/366 - 17th March
Broken biscuits are the best type of biscuits. I saw them being sold in Iceland for about £3 for a big box and they are the best thing ever. 

78/366 - 18th March
My cross stitch photo is becoming a regular thing. I've made so much progress this week. I would say it is almost half done.

79/366 - 19th March
Becky was washing the dishes and not to happy about it. Ellie dried and put them away and just got on with it. Eesh! 

80/366 - 20th March
We went out for a bike ride yesterday. It seems like such a long time since the girls and I went out and we needed it. It really cleared the cobwebs.

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  1. Just keeping real life going for a little longer is the best thing we can do right now. Ahh the joys of broken biscuits ! :)

    1. It really is the best thing to do.
      Broken biscuits are the best x

  2. These round ups are going to be so monotonous over the next weeks/months aren't they, with nothing really going on.
    Nice to make the most of nice weather when we have it.

    1. Ahh! I think I have took better photos for this past week than I have in ages. lol The johs of having the kids home. x

  3. It is a very difficult time, isn't it? I can't believe how life has changed so quickly and I hope it's all enough.
    That is a lot of biscuits for £3! Your cross stitch is looking very good. I have never seen Trolls and I don't think my kids have either!

    1. It really is a difficult time. I feel better now that we're all home and we can stay home.
      Thank you x

  4. As you say, finding a new normal... It will take some time to get adjusted to our new reality.
    You and I are both taking photos of our TV screens, lol. You've made a good progress with your cross stitch. And that's a good bargain with the broken biscuits.

    1. It has been a big change for us all but we're getting used to it and in a routine. x

  5. I have just ordered a bicycle pump as all our tyres were flat and my old pump broke.......hoping we still get to go out on our bikes as it will keep the kids fitness up

    1. I hope you managed to get out on your bikes x

  6. It's been quite a week hasn't it and the new normal is going to take some adjusting too. Glad you were able to get out on the bikes. We love Trolls too and a box of broken biscuits is always good :-) #project366

    1. Thank you! It's taken some getting used to but we're getting there! Take care x

  7. Your tea looks good!

    We love trolls here too! The cross stitch is coming on well.

    Think I need to take the girls on a bike ride but my bike and my eldest's bike are stored at my parents.

    1. Thank you! I am looking forward to getting the new Trolls film off the Sky planner instead of having to go to the cinema. That's one good thing about being on lockdown.

  8. The bike rides will get you out with less risk than walking.
    Hope you dad will manage to re-erect the business when all this is over.
    A lot of those so called broken biscuits are often whole.

    1. We are just staying in the back garden now. The kids are getting more than enough exercise out there.
      I think my dad's business will be fine. I hope so anyway!
      Ahh! Yes! A lot of the "broken" biscuits were whole and they were fancy one's that I don't usually buy. The kids thought it was such a treat x

  9. I saw broken biscuits for the first time the other day. I had no idea that you could get them they are so on my list now. The cross stitch looks really good, I use to do them all the time before I had the boys! I am actually thinking of restarting. Glad you managed to get out on the bikes. Mine are now desperate to leave the house but we are trying just to stay in the back garden.

  10. I hope you and your family stay safe. Awesome tea. I love Trolls! Broken biscuits? They don't look broken. Yeah, your cross-stitch work looks promising.

  11. The cross stitch work looks good. Makes sense to get the bikes out - we need to brush away the cobwebs.

  12. It is a very difficult time, isn't it? Life as we know it has changed so much. Your cross switch is looking fab. We are big Trolls fans here xx

  13. We have quite a routine going now but I never thought life would be like this: it's like a movie or a dream! I have finally got back to my cross stitching this week #project366

  14. Glad you enjoyed the bike ride, so nicve to be able to get outside for the time being. Fingers crossed re your husbands job, hope your dad is ok also
