Saturday, 20 February 2021

Week 7 of #Project365. 13th - 19th February. A photo every day for a year!

Half term has flown over. I knew it would but we have had a nice, relaxed week just like I'd planned. It was brilliant to have a break from the home learning and as of writing this Ellie still has a little homework to do which we've not even looked at. We're not stressing, it's not like they can give a detention if it's late. 

Yesterday my Word of the Week was food and it was only when I came to writing this blog post I realised that the week really was dominated by food and a little bit of drink. hehehe

Now for a photo every day!

Cocktail hour treats and Chinese takeaway menu
Eldest undercut hair
Pancakes and a pork dinner
Yoghurt and a bottle of wine

44/365 - 13th February
I was sent a Cocktail tasting pack from Cocktail hour to review. The White Russian cocktails were very good and the chocolate was so tasty.

45/365 - 14th February
We had a Chinese takeaway on Valentine's day. It seemed ages since we had a Chinese takeaway so it was enjoyed by us all and there was leftovers for the next day for lunch.

46/365 - 15th February
Becky has wanted an undercut cut into her hair for about a year but we haven't been too sure about it but on Monday we gave in and Stu cut it. She loves it and it has really thinned her hair out. She did have really thick hair. 

47/365 - 16th February
Pancake day! I had fun making them and the kids had lots of fun with all the toppings and eating them. 

48/365 - 17th February
Our tea on Wednesday! Pork belly, herby potatoes, sweetcorn and honey roasted carrots which my family have decided they love.

49/365 - 18th February
I don't know how this happened but I got to have one of the good yoghurts. Usually the kids have eaten them all before I get a look in.

50/365 - 19th February
I treated myself to a fancy bottle of wine! I read about Kylie Minogue's brand of wine last year and had forgotten about it until I was looking for something different to drink over the weekend. It was on offer in Morrisons, down from £9 to £7.

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  1. Lots of yummy food and drink!

  2. Your posts are making me hungry! Bee loves those yoghurts, I don't often get one either!

    1. hehehe! Glad I'm not the only one who doesn't get a look in with the yoghurts. x

  3. Her hair looks good. I scalped Kian and Sebby this week and keep finding wispy bits - I am really not a hairdresser. We treated ourselves to a take away too

    1. hahaha! I'm no hairdresser either but the lockdown has proved I can be one when needed. x

  4. Life is all about work, school, farm and food here too. Love pancakes - we never make enough batter even with doubling it. I haven't had a chinese meal for years from a takeaway/restaurant. I'd love one, but the OH doesn't eat chinese, so I rely on a nice ready meal when it's a shoot dinner day. Unfortunately none last year/this year due to Covid meaning no shoots on the farm.

    1. Ahh! I think on Mother's day you should demand a Chinese. hehehe x

  5. that photo of a dinner made me hungry - looks good! #MMBC

  6. Hope you enjoyed the wine! A lovely way to end half term :) We have scaled back on our takeaways during lockdown so it really seems like a treat now! #project365

    1. It was nice but not amazing.
      I like a takeaway to be a treat not just something which happens every week x

  7. To be honest I think food and drink is the only thing getting us through at the moment! I can not remember the last time we had a Chinese -yum. Glad the under cut went well the boys hair needs cutting but I am not brave enough.

    1. Food and drink has been a highlight to these lockdowns. x

  8. So was the Kylie wine any good? We had a Chinese last weeknd for the first itme in ages, o good. Glad she likes her undercut and like the sound of the cocktail kit #365

    1. It was something different and it was nice but I won't be rushing to buy it again. That's just my personal taste though. x

  9. I like the sound of the cocktail tasting pack and lovely to have a Chinese takeaway. That pork belly with the herby potatoes and honey-glazed carrots looks very yummy. We love the Corner yogurts too – the kids usually eat most of them here too. #project365

    1. The cocktails were so good and so was the Chinese takeaway. x

  10. OO it does look like a week filled with amazing and delicious food.. the undercut does look good :) Shahira

  11. That dinner really does look amazing! I haven't had one of those Muller Corners for years. I love Becky's hair. My hair is very thick I bet it really made a difference. I never knew Kylie has her own brand of wine #365

  12. The cocktail set looks fab, I love a nice cocktail although I don't have them very often. Hope you enjoyed the wine too, how cool is it that Kylie has her own brand of wine! Glad you enjoyed your Chinese takeout x
