Sunday 28 May 2023

Little pears! #MySundaySnapshot

 My dad has some fantastic fruit trees at his place and each year I get apples and pears from him. Some years if we time it right we even get some cherries. 

It always seems like one time I will visit there are no pears and the next time they are their looking all pear like. I have never noticed them being this small before but my dad said they always start off like this. 

Little pears

My Sunday Snapshot


  1. Yum, yum - the sweet fruits make visiting Dad more fun. #MMBC

  2. I've never seen little pears before though we buy grown fruits from the market. It is nice to see such a wonderful photo...

  3. They do look lovely! I hope they all survive the summer ready to be eaten in autumn. We used to have a couple of pear trees at our old house and I do remember them being tiny at first.

  4. Oooo they look lovely, thanks so much for sharing and for linking up with #MySundaySnapshot.

  5. They are starting here as well!
