Monday 15 May 2023

Our weekly meal plan! 15th - 21st May. #MealPlanningMonday

Our weekly meal plan

Last weeks meal plan went well even though I was feeling a bit meh about cooking and we had a boiler man here twice when it was tea time because our boiler broke down, once to look a the broken boiler and the next day installing a new one. We ate everything that I had planned even though we did swap a couple of days around. 

I feel like I have got my cooking mojo back and have got out of the uninspired rut that I was in. Hooray! I put it down to the rubbish weather but the weather hasn't been any better, it's still cloudy and damp one day and then sunny and bright the next. We have had a couple of storms over the past week with the electric going off just the once, phew but at least it's feeling warmer even though it's still grey out. 

This week will see Ellie sitting down starting her GCSE's. I am more nervous than she is. There are going to be a lot of early nights so she is well rested for the exams. When she is not doing exams at school they are doing revision for the next exam coming up so I am putting no pressure on her to revise at home now. My job is to keep her relaxed and happy while she is doing her exams.

On the menu this week we have:

Monday - Hot dogs in buns with corn on the cob.
Tuesday - Fruity mango & coconut chicken breast mini fillets from the summer/bbq range in Asda and sweet potato fries.
WednesdayTuna & sweetcorn fish cakes with new potatoes.
Thursday - A salad/picky tea. Lettuce, cucumber, tomatoes, beetroot, coleslaw, mini pork pies, ham, hard boiled eggs and things like that.
Friday - Pizza
Saturday - Burgers in buns with fries.
Sunday - A roast dinner of some sort.

What are you eating this week?


  1. I hope that Ellie's exams go well. Making sure she is relaxed and happy sounds great. So many parents add to a child's pressure but I think she'll do much better if she's relaxed, happy and well fed :)

    Thanks for the tuna and sweetcorn fishcake recipe - they sound yummy!


  2. Hope the exams go well - and that we get beautiful weather for more picky teas!
