Monday 29 May 2023

Our weekly meal plan! 29th May - 4th June. #MealPlanningMonday

Our weekly meal plan

Last weeks meal plan went well until we got to the weekend and the meal plan going wrong was through no fault of my own. Asda delivered my food shop in a faulty van so the frozen stuff was defrosted and the chilled stuff was warm. It all got refunded and I cooked what I could of the frozen stuff which we ate over the weekend. There was also a ton of substitutions and unavailable items before we even had an issue with the van. I can see me falling out with Asda if they don't buck their ideas up, this week wasn't the first week where they haven't been great.

It's half term here this week which means lots of relaxing. The girls and I are planning a day out. It's Becky's rubbish week at work where she only has Tuesday to do what she wants, every other day she's either sleeping from work or for work. At least she gets the weekend off. My dad has some family coming to visit him so we will be going along to see them.

Hasn't the weather been lovely? I am really enjoying the sunshine and it looks like it's going to continue. Hooray! I am back to drinking my morning coffee out in the garden and watering my plants on an evening, it's so nice to spend time outside.

On the menu this week we have:

Monday - We're planning on having a barbeque so lots of sausages and burgers in buns. They always taste nicer when they're cooked on a BBQ.
Tuesday - The girls and I are having a day out and we will be eating out so we will probably just have a sandwich or cereal later on in the evening.
Wednesday - Quiche from the local butchers. It's amazing and we will probably have it with salad.
Thursday - We will be eating out for lunch so we will just have something quick and easy when we get in. Cheese on toast or a sandwich.
Friday - Pizza, maybe homemade depending on what we are doing.
Saturday - Red onion and bacon tart with potato salad.
Sunday - A roast dinner of some sort.

What are you eating this week?


  1. lots of eating out this week, I'm jealous! We had a roast dinner yesterday and I thought it would be too warm but it wasn't too bad. I hope you manage your BBQ today, we have sunshine but it's really windy here.

  2. Your Asda shop sounds like a bit of a nightmare although it was great that you could salvage some of the food for free. Enjoy your half term and your sausages and burgers tonight :)


  3. Wish my OH would eat quiche. Its a great option for summer meals

  4. I need to be better with meal planning! That tarte sounds delicious!

    Jill - Doused in Pink
