Tuesday, 2 May 2023

My obsession with Harry Potter.

I wasn't into Harry Potter when the books and the films were first released. I tried reading the first book when I was pregnant with Becky but couldn't get into it. I think I then watched Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone when Becky was a baby. I only watched it because I am sure it was one of the most hyped films to be shown one year at Christmas. I didn't get into Harry Potter until much, much later.

Harry Potter

Did you know that today is Harry Potter Day? In 2012 the then prime minister, David Cameron, made a declaration that the day would be celebrated on May 2 of each year. It is also the day that the great Battle of Hogwarts was fought and it is when Lord Voldemort was finally defeated.

I don't remember what got me right into Harry Potter but once I had had a taste of it I was hooked. I hadn't read any of the books until I had seen the film version of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix and I needed to know what happened next so I pre-ordered the Half-Blood Prince and I remember being pregnant with Ellie reading The Deathly Hallows. Reading about the story made me feel I was getting massive spoilers for the films but I was quite gutted that lots of the books were skimmed over and even skipped. Hmmf.

I sleep with a Harry Potter cushion every night and have even sneaked a HP duvet set into the bedroom. Stu only agreed to it because it wasn't obvious to be Harry Potter related. He said if I want Harry Potter to be in our face at bedtime he can buy Star Wars bedding too. hehehe

Harry Potter bedding

Most days I wear something that involves Harry Potter. Every pair of socks that I own are Harry Potter one's, I have knickers, t-shirts and I have lost count of the pj sets that I have. Every year they seem to bring a new set out in Primark and I have to have them. I got a new set at Christmas and a snoodie just before too. 

Harry Potter Pj's

My family have learned over the years if they want to buy me a gift anything Harry Potter related is a winner! I've had notebooks, mugs, cakes, pens (the best one's are the one's from Primark which look like a quill), books, posters, calendars, glasses, cooking equipment and even face masks. lol 

If you look around my living room you can see little Harry Potter things. The Funko's, a mandrake plant pot, little figures and of course my Hedwig Lego figure.

I am starting to sneak HP things into the kitchen. I have a measuring jug, mixing bowl and some spatulas. hehehe Stu has noticed but he hasn't disagreed with them yet. My next aim in life is to get a HP dining set, the plates and bowls without Stu complaining. hehehe

Are you a Harry Potter fan?

1 comment :

  1. I am a very big Harry Potter fan! I started reading the series before the first movie came out quite my accident when I was substitute teaching and that was the book the teacher had been reading aloud to her class. I started reading and by the end of the day I knew I had to know how it ended. I don't have much in the way of Harry Potter decor or clothing though.
