Friday, 5 May 2023

This week my Word of the Week is: Bank Holiday! #WotW

This week my Word of the Week is:

Bank holiday
I really struggled coming up with a word for this week but I thought I would go with Bank Holiday as we've just had one and we have another on Monday. I could get used to these long bank holiday weekends. The week following a bank holiday Monday always seems to go so quickly but I am so lost with what day it is. During the week I got ahead with myself with the meal plan making Thursday's meal on the Wednesday, it didn't matter though everything was still eaten. I forgot to put the wheelie bin out, I'm glad Stu did and I have also forgotten to order our weekly food shop to be delivered today. Oops.

Stu and I had a lovely day on Sunday, it was quite relaxed as we knew we had the Bank Holiday Monday to catch up on jobs around the house as we wouldn't be going anywhere as the buses are rubbish here on a bank holiday. We went out for a Sunday lunch, the kids were invited but they didn't want to come. Hmmf. We then went to see my dad and caught him out working on his usual day off. Grr! I gave him a telling off and then an extra telling off for not resting his sore wrist. He is 75 years old and still works or tries to work like a 20 year old. He talks about retirement but I can't see that ever happening, he just needs to slow down a little. On the way back from my dad's we called into the pub for a cheeky pint, we were going to watch the football but they chose to show the I think Man City match and not the Newcastle one. Hmmf.

This week also saw Ellie have another visit to college, she didn't learn anything new but said it was nice to spend some time there on a normal college day with students there. Becky voted for the first time, she was so excited about it and felt so proud of herself for doing her bit and my girls and I are now officially hooked on I'm a Celeb after the drama with Gillian McKeith smuggling things in her knickers and the drinking trial. lol

This weekend is of course the Kings Coronation and to be honest I am sick of hearing about it. I love watching This Morning on ITV but I have just turned it off as it's Coronation this, King Charles that. I will of course be watching on the TV as it's a big piece of history but I feel like I couldn't care less. We don't have any plans for it, the kids are doing their own thing and Stu will be at work but he does get a couple of hours off taking calls in the afternoon so him and his workmates are going to go to the pub, they won't be drinking alcohol though as they have to go back to work and do an hour before they finish for the day. There are things happening locally but nothing like when it was the Platinum Jubilee. Everything seems to be aimed at people who want to sit in the pubs all day drinking or people with young families. 

How has your week been? I hope you have had a good one!

Word of the Week linky


  1. How nice to get two bank holidays. But I know what you mean about how the week gets confusing and it's hard to remember what day it is. That's great that Ellie had another college visit, she must be looking forward to starting. We had a state election recently and Sam was so excited to vote for the first time too. I wasn't home on Saturday night to watch the coronation but I did catch some of it on my phone because I wanted to see at least a few snippets of the live broadcast. I'm not really very excited about this Royal event!

  2. I've been getting confused too, i forgot to do my online shop too, but I managed to squeeze one in by doing a repeat shop, I really meant to go back and edit it but I just didn't have time (or forgot) I wanted my family to get involved in the Coronation but they were not interested. Then yesterday when they saw all the parties on the news they were saying 'why didn't we do something like that!' you just can't win. We did have party food in the end, but not a party. xx

  3. It’s been quite nice to have an extra bank holiday but I agree it does throw you a bit with the days of the week. Glad you and Stu had a lovely relaxed Sunday. Sounds like Ellie enjoyed her college visit and well done to Becky for voting for the first time. I was fairly lukewarm about the coronation but I did end up going to a few things locally and enjoyed them. #WotW
