Monday, 8 May 2023

Our weekly meal plan! 8th - 14th May. #MealPlanningMonday

Our weekly meal plan

Last weeks meal plan went well despite me losing track of the days and cooking the soup a day early. It was OK, we just ended up swapping things around. We ate everything but didn't end up going out to eat yesterday as out favourite place for Sunday lunch was closed and I didn't fancy paying double the price for a Sunday dinner elsewhere. We ended up having sausages, mash and baked beans.

I am feeling a bit meh about cooking at the moment. The weather is being a bit silly. Looking out of the window it looks like a winters day but open the back door and your hit with a blast of heat because it's so warm. We're stuck between wanting hot comfort food because it looks cold one minute and salads the next minute. I think this week I have found a good balance between comfort food and food for the warmer weather.

I don't have much on this week, it's just a normal week for us all but Ellie starts her GCSE's. It's a nice easy start, she will have 2 days in a classroom showing off what she has learned in her photography classes over the last couple of years. Next week the proper sit down exams start. Eek!

On the menu this week we have:

Tuesday - Tuna pasta salad.
Wednesday - Pizza waffle fries. Simply waffle fries topped with pizza sauce, onions, salami, pepperoni and cheese.
Thursday - Thai-Style coconut chicken with sweet potato fries a Gousto meal that we love that we've not had in a while.
Friday - Fish fingers, chips and baked beans or Fish Finger sandwiches depending on how lazy I am feeling.
Saturday - Pizza. We might get a takeaway with it being the Eurovision song contest final night.
Sunday - A roast dinner of some sort.

What are you eating this week?

1 comment :

  1. Best of luck to Ellie! We're very slowly adding in more of our bbq/salad/spring meals into our menu rotation. Tonight we're having chicken fajitas and tomorrow we're having some steak and cheese sandwiches with salad and then I think Wednesday is shrimp and chicken kabobs.
