Monday, 4 March 2024

Our weekly meal plan! 4th - 10th March. #MealPlanningMonday

Our weekly meal plan

Last weeks meal plan went well. We did swap a couple of days around but ate almost everything. On Friday we really fancied treating ourselves to a takeaway. Stu and I got an Indian takeaway and the girls got food from the chip shop as they didn't fancy a curry. It worked out well as I wasn't complaining that the kids were wasting food that we paid for, everyone was happy especially Stu and I, it seems ages since we had a good curry!

We don't have much on this week and I am really looking forward to it. I have a really long to-do list of fun things on it like dying my hair, Lego set, crafts, jigsaws, some baking and things like that I haven't got around to or had the motivation to do so far this year which I am going to make a start on. I also do need to get out into the garden to give it a tidy but the weather hasn't been great lately but according to the weather forecast today is looking good and Stu has his day off work to help so we might get some of it done.

On the menu this week we have:

Monday - Red onion and bacon tart with new potatoes and salad.
Tuesday - Sausage casserole, mash and veg.
WednesdaySesame pork & egg fried rice. It's a Gousto recipe that we have had in the past. It's quick and simple to make.
ThursdayThai style pork patties with sweet potato wedges and salad. This is in our top 5 meals that we've had in the past from Gousto.
Friday - Pizza.
Saturday - Hot dogs in buns with fries and onion rings. 
Sunday - It's Mother's Day so I won't be cooking. Hopefully I will be dragging the girls out with Stu and I for lunch out.

What are you eating this week?


  1. Yum, sausage casserole. What I wouldn't give to get my hands on some British sausages, can't find anything even remotely like them here in the US.

  2. It all sounds so yummy! We're eating chicken fajitas, pasta primavera, and blt sandwiches (we have a meeting one night and need a quick meal!), then I'm trying a new recipe in our dutch oven another night using some of the beef from our freezer. I hope it turns out good!

  3. The red onion and bacon tart looks lovely but quick and simple - just the kind of meal I like ! The pork patties and fried rice both sound great too. I hope you have a lovely meal out on Sunday xx
