Saturday, 30 March 2024

This week my Word of the Week is: Positive! #WotW

This week my Word of the Week is:


On Tuesday morning I had already decided my word, it was going to be sociable but life threw us a curveball and that changed. Now my word is positive! The last time I used the word Positive it was under similar circumstances, Stu brought Covid home from work. Ugh!

We had a lovely start to the week. We went out for Sunday lunch, went to see my dad and his partner and on Monday Stu and I went out for breakfast, saw my brother and then we went off to the local pub as it was reopening with new managers. When we were on our way there Stu was saying he felt cold and shivery, I just blamed the weather even though I was quite warm. 

In the pub we ended up sitting near where the new managers and chef were and had a good chat with them, they seem lovely. All the changes and new things that they are planning sound really positive. I am just liking the idea of food being served 7 days a week and regular entertainment being on. Last night they had an Elvis tribute on which looked fantastic but we decided to stay home to keep others safe.

While we were at the pub on Monday they were handing out samples of food and Stu tried some chicken with a spicy dip and started coughing and then hasn't really stopped coughing all week. We thought nothing of it and just assumed it was a cold, he felt achy, shivery and had a snotty nose but for us that is normal at this time of year with the change of season and all the pollen. On Tuesday evening when I was watching the documentary about Derek Draper and his final year suffering from the health complications from Covid I said to Stu you should do a Covid test just to see if you have it. It's the fastest I have seen a Covid test show as positive. At least we knew but it wasn't going to change anything.

It seems crazy that 4 years ago we had an app telling us if we had been in contact with anyone with Covid, we had to isolate for a couple of weeks, do numerous tests but now we just carry on as normal.

Stu had to sit on a bus for an hour to work, be in an office with no windows or ventilation and then come home again on the bus. He tried to open windows on the bus and at work near him but others complained they were too cold despite having the air conditioning on freezing at work. I dread to think who he has infected but that's the way of the world now, it's the new normal. Everyone avoided him at work and said it's wrong that people with Covid should still have to go in but understood that it's the company policies fault, not Stu's.

When Stu tested positive Becky was at work and I asked her what would happen if she tested positive, she said nothing apart from her having to wear a mask. If she is well enough to go into work she has to which for her is ridiculous. Her work think you have to be on deaths door not to go in. She had food poisoning a couple of years ago and was really ill but still had to go into work, she lasted about an hour before she was sent home and complaints were made. She had a really bad cold a few years ago which we thought was Covid but it was just the flu, she still had to go to work and infected residents. I would love to know how the residents families in the care home feel about their loved one's being treated by people who have Covid because I know I would not be happy.

Myself and the girls are absolutely fine, we have shown no symptoms of anything. In fact I have not even had any hay fever symptoms over the past week. We did a test yesterday and we're still negative despite Stu still testing positive. It's really strange but I am glad. I really didn't want to be ill going into the Easter weekend poorly.

I am looking at the positives, we saved a bit of money by not going out to the pub last night, next week Stu has a week off work and should be better to enjoy some days out, Becky has spent more time at home as she didn't want to run the risk of passing anything on to her friends and I had the most amazing nights sleep in Becky's bed while she was at work on Tuesday night while I was avoiding Stu! hehehe

How has your week been? I hope you have had a good one!

Word of the week linky


  1. I'm sorry to hear about Stu's COVID. It's ridiculous to require employees who are sick to come to work. Saying a little prayer for your family's health. Happy Easter!

  2. Poor Stu. I hope he's not suffering. You are right. It's so different to four years ago. Hopefully you'll all be fit enough to go to the pub soon. The new management sound like they have some good ideas, which should be fun. Hope next week is positive in a different way for you.

  3. So sorry to hear about the positive result! It's a strange world. I've never had covid but I am high risk so I dread to think and I often wonder whether my body could cope! It's the new normal as you say so we just have to get used to it. That night's sleep sounds blissful, lol. Hope he gets over it soon and hope the rest of you stay clear of it. I'm sorry for the care home residents. I really am.

  4. I hope Stu feels better soon. I remember the protocol at work for having COVID, having a family member with COVID, having had contact with someone with COVID. Now it's like, meh, you'll feel better soon.

  5. I hope Stu feels better soon and you all stay covid free. I can't believe they expected him in work. I know policy has changed but you would think they would let you take some days of sick if it makes you feel rough #WotW

  6. That's no good that Becky and Stu have to go to work even when they are so sick. We have no restrictions at work when it comes to Covid but if we are sick we are encouraged to stay home so as not to spread it. My husband's work is the opposite and I feel sorry for him when he has had to go in feeling rotten. Hopefully, you will all be well enough to enjoy having Stu at home when he has the week off.

  7. I hope Stu is feeling better now. I guess with all the immunisations and treatments available, Covid just isn't as scary any more. When I had it recently I felt like I'd been hit by a truck and was straight in the hospital for treatment. For someone like me it can still cause really bad complications. I guess it's the same with the elderly people, if they get it they can get the treatment. But it's still really not nice to get, even as a normally fit and well person, for an elderly or vulnerable person it's a nightmare. xx

  8. Sorry to hear that Stu has had Covid. It does seem crazy that everyone is expected to go into work as normal and infect others given the precautions we had against Covid. Not good that Becky also is expected to work and potentially infect residents if she is ill. Hope Stu is feeling better now and that you've all managed to avoid catching Covid too. #WotW
