Wednesday, 7 August 2024

15 Would You Rather questions for summer!

Summer is here! Well it was feeling like it when I wrote this blog post on Friday, the weather could have changed by now. I saw these Would You Rather" Questions for Summer and thought they would be fun to answer.

Question marks

Would you rather have a permanent sunburn or always have sand in your shoes?
Sand in my shoes, I could easily take my shoes off and have some relief. I have been burned by the sun plenty of times and the pain is just the worst.

Would you rather swim in a pool of lemonade or a pool of Coca-Cola?
Lemonade, surely the lemon has to do something good for my skin. I imagine the cola being very sticky when it is warm. Eww!

Would you rather go on a beach holiday with your friends or a mountain retreat with your family?
I know my family well and think a mountain retreat would just give them a reason to complain and it would cause arguments. There would be too much outside for them so I would chose the beach with my friends.

Would you rather eat only ice cream all summer or only drink smoothies all summer?
I like smoothies but I do get bored of them, they all taste pretty similar to me but there is so much choice when it comes to ice cream. Give me the ice cream. hehehe

Would you rather build a sandcastle or a treehouse?
A treehouse, it seems more of a challenge and will last longer.

Would you rather have a summer job as a lifeguard or as an ice cream truck driver?
I would love to be an ice cream truck driver, I always think it's such a fun job when we see our ice cream man go past.

Would you rather spend a day at a water park or at an amusement park?
A water park! I have never been to one before, well unless you could the leisure centres which have pools with a couple of slides.

Would you rather have to eat only hot dogs or only hamburgers for the entire summer?
Ohh! This is a tough one. I love both! I think I would have to say hamburgers as you could add different toppings to the bun, there are more options.

Would you rather have a summer without air conditioning or a summer without ice cream?
Every summer is one without air conditioning here in the UK unless you go to the shops. I can happily go without that.

Would you rather have to sleep in a tent every night of summer or have to sleep in a hammock every night of summer?
Give me the hammock! After the last few nights of sharing a bed with Stu I would be glad to be away from him in a hammock. It's been too hot and neither of us could sleep properly because of the heat.

Would you rather spend a week without internet or a week without your favourite summer treat?
I don't think I could go a day without the internet so I would happily give up my favourite summer treat, ice cream!

Would you rather explore a tropical island or hike through a national park?
I think I would go with hiking through a national park. They look so much more interesting with more to see. When I think of a tropical island I think of beach, sea and a few trees and plants. Boring.

Would you rather be able to teleport to any beach in the world or be able to control the weather?
Control the weather! Right at this moment I would create a little breeze and have half an hours rain to water my garden and plants.

Would you rather have to wear flip-flops everywhere, even to formal events, or have to go barefoot everywhere?
You can get some really pretty flip flops so I would choose them. I don't like the idea of going barefoot everywhere.

Would you rather have a summer romance like in the movies or have the best summer adventures with friends?
Romance is overrated, I would much rather have an adventure with my friends.

What would you answer for these Would You Rather questions?

1 comment :

  1. Definitely sand for sure; I burn so easily and it is never fun with no real relief until it fades away. I've done beach holidays with friends and mountain holidays with family and both were lots of fun but for summer I much prefer the beach as it can get too hot to hike and then being in the mountains can feel rather boring. Basically as I read though I realized that pretty much all our answers the same! LOL. Slightly different reasoning for some but the same answers at the end... and now I want some ice cream!
