Friday, 9 August 2024

What I have loved this week! Week 32. #FridayFavourites

 Hello there, it's been a few weeks since I have linked up with Erika and Andrea for their Friday Favourites. We had a weekend away and some family things going on. I actually took a bit of a break from blogging but I am back now. Hooray! I have missed reading all of the Friday Favourite posts and can't wait to catch up!

What I have loved this week

I have been blogging for almost 11 years and throughout this year I have had some moments that have made me think about stopping blogging. I did think about giving it all up at the end of this year but after having a break and not writing any blog posts or reading any blogs for about a week it made me realise how much I love this blogging lark and I won't be quitting anytime soon!

The Olympics!
I have had the Olympics on the TV as it's been so easy to watch, I don't really have to follow a story while my mind has been elsewhere. Great Britain really is doing well. I loved the equestrian events, gymnastics (Simone Biles is amazing), the rowing and of course the diving. I am getting right into the athletic events now. All the competitors are so talented.

Birthday buying!
It's Stu's, Ellie's and Becky's birthday over the next 6 weeks so I have been busy buying presents for them. They are so hard to buy for. There are no surprises now as I have to ask them to pick out what they want. Ellie is getting clothes, a gorgeous ring and necklace, Stu is getting a new Newcastle United top and a retro one and Becky is getting new trainers and some clothes. It was so much easier when they were little and just wanted toys.

My youngest girls new ring

The aftermath of the riots.
There have been riots up and down the country and as bad as they were it really warmed my heart seeing people going and cleaning up and just helping out businesses which needed it. I saw on the news that there was a family who took a hamper of sweets to a police station just to say thank you. There has been no need for all of the violence. On Tuesday it was a bit too close to home with threatened riots in Scunthorpe. Nothing happened but most of the shops were shut and people were out on the streets. The people from the shops were handing out water and crisps to everyone that was gathered. Lots of anti-racism protesters turned up in cities and towns up and down the country on Wednesday evening and it was really brilliant to see everyone coming together.

Saving money!
With everything that has gone on over the past few weeks we have had to cancel quite a few plans. A night away for Stu and I, a cinema trip, a meal out, a night out with friends, Ellie going out with friends and we didn't go to an event that was on over the weekend. It is rubbish that our plans couldn't go ahead but I can already see the money that we have saved which we are saving and we are going to do something special later in the year.

Good food!
We have ate rubbish over the last few weeks so it has been nice to eat some proper home cooked meals. We got a Gousto box and our favourite meal so far has been the Sun-Dried Tomato Pork Cutlet With Buttered Potatoes! The recipe card is going in the folder of recipes that I must make again! We have also been enjoying simple things like ice cream with fruit and I finally got some of the candy floss flavoured grapes which have been around for ages but I have never been able to get hold of. They are amazing frozen and have been a nice treat when it's been warm.

Cooking dinner

Getting out!
Some of what that has been going on in my families life has made me reluctant to leave the house. It has been awful but Stu said I needed to get out so he encouraged me to get ready and go to my dad's. Nothing bad happened, we walked there, had a lovely time at my dad's, walked home and everything was good. I am still reluctant to go into town but I am sure I will get there eventually.

New computer parts.
Ellie's computer has been dying a slow death over the last 6 months or so. Over the last couple of weeks she has been playing The Sims 4 and that was enough for the computer to say no more! It kept overheating and switching it's self off so Stu ordered a few things including a new motherboard and fan and so far they seem to have done the trick. It's a good thing he knows about computers, I wouldn't know where to start.

What have you loved this week?

Friday Favorites


  1. I'm so glad you aren't giving up on blogging! Yours is one of my favourites!! I don't watch the news, but I heard about the riots, and they sound bad. I'm glad they didn't make it to your area. That's great that Stu knows about computers, I wouldn't know where to start either! Both my boys built theirs, and they talked about motherboards and fans and CP something for ages. I hope you have a wonderful weekend xx

  2. I am also glad that you didn't stop blogging. This community is such an encouragement and a blessing to us at all times, but especially during times of great need. I'm also glad that you got out of the house this week at Stu's encouragement. I hope and will pray that you feel peace in your life this weekend, my friend. And I'll be praying for your family and the situations that have been going on. Much love!

  3. That ring is lovely! I do find birthday and holiday just aren't quite the same now that they all pick out their gifts and tell me what they want; in that respect it was definitely simpler when they were little and just wanted toys. I hadn't heard about the riots but that can certainly be scary; how sweet to see the helpers and the support shown afterwards.

  4. It is great to have you back in blog land, I really enjoy reading your posts. I am glad to hear that life is beginning to get back to 'normal', whatever that is for you and your family. Having had periods of anxiety in the past when venturing out was something of a push I am pleased to see that you are trying to get out, it's hard but I found it helps.
    Jane a regular reader
