Sunday, 11 August 2024

Week 32 of #Project365 3rd - 10th August. A photo every day for a year!

Hello there, it seems ages since I have done a proper Project 365 blog post, last week I had a bit of a catch up but with only a few photos. This week I am making up for it and there's an extra photo. I usually go from Sunday to Saturday but this time I have Saturday to Saturday. Don't get excited, my photos are just of every day, normal life and that is what has been needed to make me feel better about things.

We have had a good week, with no dramas. Well Becky is having a drama at the moment, she's missing her girlfriend. Her girlfriend has gone away on holiday for a couple of weeks and Becky is lost without her, bless! It has been nice to have my eldest all to myself though. 

Now for a photo every day!

Wine and Candy Crush & Gousto food
A conker
Gousto meal and flowers
A grey sky
Grapes and me

216/365 - 3rd August
Candy crush and wine. That was my Saturday evening.

217/365 - 4th August
All the little things that come in the Gousto box. Spices, herbs, sauces and random things like that. I love them, yes it's extra packaging but everything is measured out and gets used, apart from the chilli flakes or curry powder, I never add all of that.

218/365 - 5th August
It's beginning to look a lot like Autumn. The trees at my dads are already dropping conker shells.

219/365 - 6th August
Our favourite meal of the week. The sun-dried tomato pork cutlet with buttered potatoes. I am usually useless at cooking pork chops but these turned out so well.

220/365 - 7th August
I had a lovely surprise on Wednesday, some flowers arrived from the lovely Jayne. She sent me them just to cheer me up and they certainly did. I wrote a blog post earlier in the week, saying thank you for all of the support. You have no idea how much the messages and checking up on me has really boosted my spirits.

221/365 - 8th August
What a grey and damp day Thursday was. It was quite chilly too, well chilly compared to the warm days that we have been having.

222/365 - 9th August
I am loving these candy floss grapes. I remember them being a big thing years ago but I never got around to getting any until recently. My family are not keen so it means all the more for me. I have been freezing them and they taste even better.

223/365 - 10th August
Just me! I took this photo and never looked at it until later, I look like I am about to cry, I really wasn't. 

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  1. Aw, so glad they cheered you up. 😘
    I bet Becky will be over the moon when her girlfriend comes home, bless.
    The trees up our track are already loaded with conkers, I can't believe it, although I do love autumn (less wasps about as well haha).
    Oh.....and I've been wanting to try those grapes for ages but they are always out of stock. Are they quite sweet?
    Lovely pic of you too. xxx

  2. Awww young love. I do and don't miss those days. Candy floss grapes are so delicious - I love them!!

  3. Great pictures. It may be every day, normal life but it's all about making memories.

  4. Gosh! Those conkers take me back! My grandparents had a big horse chestnut tree in their garden and we used to collect all the conkers from it. Enjoy the flowers from Jayne. She is so lovely x

  5. I'm glad you're feeling better. Sometimes we all get down. It sounds like fall is creeping in around you.

  6. Enjoyed looking through your photos. It's nice to capture moments and look back on them. ♡

  7. Those flowers are beautiful! We try to buy those grapes whenever we see them at the grocery store but they've been out of them the last few weeks.

  8. Thisiswhereitisat13 August 2024 at 18:30

    Aw candy crush I forgot all about that, I was so addicted to it at one point 😂

  9. I love the candy floss grapes, hadn't thought of freezing them. Those flowers are lovely, how kind of your friend to send them to you. Hope you enjoyed some time with Becky.

  10. So glad that you had a calm week. Candy Crush and wine sounds like a nice relaxing way to spend a Saturday evening. Love the flowers from Jayne. I like candy floss grapes too. Never thought of freezing them though. #project365
