Saturday, 17 August 2024

This week my Word of the Week is: Out! #WotW

This week my Word of the Week is:


For the last month I have been a bit of a hermit, I haven't been going out much unless it was to my dad's or when Stu has been with me. This past week I've had no option but to go out and I actually enjoyed it.

Ellie was supposed to have a blood test, just a check after being in hospital at the end of July but things happened and the blood test didn't happen. We got a phone call from the doctors asking if she was ready for it and we were good to go. It turns out our doctor sends under 18's to the hospital to have blood tests but it wasn't just a case of booking us in for that, that would of course been too easy. We had to wait until the day after the phone call to get the paperwork and Ellie and I had a walk out to get it on Wednesday morning. I have been walking to the doctors and for years it has always taken me 25 minutes, Ellie showed me a short cut and it cut 10 minutes off the walk. How did I not know about the way Ellie took me? We then decided we needed to go into town to get something nice for lunch, we might as well treat ourselves since we were out of the house. It was a nice walk, looking at all the fancy houses that we don't usually see. Lunch was only a Tesco meal deal but it was so good after not having one for ages. We called in the post office too to get Stu some birthday cards. They always have the best selection locally to us.

I have spent some time out in the garden doing some weeding, why didn't I add that to my least favourite activities post earlier on in the week. It's like laundry, a never ending job!! Thankfully it didn't take me long, with the ground being so dry all of the weeds were coming out easily.

On Thursday we were out at my dad's. He was on with building another shed, putting the tin sheets around the sides. My brother was helping and Ellie was laughing at him saying she'd be banned from college if she used ladders like he does. The ladder wasn't flat on the ground, he was hanging off it trying to reach over to put a big bolt in and at one point actually left the ladder and ended up on the wooden joists at the top. He's a danger! lol

Yesterday was Stu's birthday and also the day we had to go to the hospital for Ellie's blood test. We had breakfast out and then headed to the hospital. Getting blood out of Ellie was a lot easier than when she was in hospital, well almost! The nurse tried one arm and got nothing and tried the other arm and it came flooding out. Phew! We went back into town and did a bit of shopping and then headed home to get ready for a night out. Of course we went to the local pub, had some food and a few drinks.

How has your week been? I hope you have had a good one!

Word of the week linky


  1. I am very concerned when it comes to ladders, so Ellie was right. Weeding is one of those things that I either enjoy or hate, depending on how I'm feeling on the day.
    I'm glad you've had a good time going out.

  2. Happy to hear you enjoyed your outings. The ladder incident sounds like it should be filmed for one of those "Things Men Do and Shouldn't" videos!

  3. Weeding is a chore that never ends - sort of like laundrey!

  4. Weeding did make it onto my list! LOL. I'm not a fan of gardening at all but I do love the pretty flowers. I'm glad to hear you've been getting out more and having fun with it too.

  5. That's wonderful that you've been out enjoying some nice times. Yay! That's great that Ellie got her blood test over and done with. Sounds like you had a great time celebrating Stu's birthday. Happy birthday to Stu!

  6. So glad you are up and about again. Glad you enjoyed the trips too. Nice that Ellie can spot the dangers when working with ladders. Bright future ahead. Stay safe and have a great week ahead. Oh, I hope your garden still looks lovely.

  7. So glad you are getting out, it's amazing how the young ones find all the short cuts. We have a short cut to our GP but it's across a field so no good for me :( I hope Stu had a fabulous birthday, and I hope Ellie's blood tests come back ok. xx

  8. That’s good that you’ve been out and about more this week. Good to find out about the short-cut to the doctors and cut 10 minutes off the walk. Hope everything was ok with Ellie’s blood test results. Weeding is not one of my favourite tasks either. I have to say your brother doesn’t sound like he uses ladders in the safest way! Hope Stu had a nice birthday. #WotW
