Tuesday 20 August 2024

My most memorable summers!

I saw someone writing about their favourite summer memories a while ago. I don't remember who it was but thought that is a blog post that I would like to write too! Summer is the best part of the year, the long 6 weeks summer break from school, when the sun is shining everyone is happier and we always seem to get out and about more, well most years we do. This year has been a total write off for days out so far.

Summer flowers

The summer of 1996.
This was the year that I left school and after finishing my GCSE's my best friend and I had a long summer ahead of us. We would spend our days hanging out at the park talking to boys, sleepovers at each other's houses and where we lived there was a big summer festival which I wrote about a few years ago. We got free tickets to the circus, met a famous band at the time, even though my friend and I had no idea who they were. They were called Dodgy and we only knew one of their songs, Good Enough. It was one of those summers that I will always remember!

My family has 3 birthdays in the the space of three and a half weeks. Stu's first in the middle of August, Ellie's at the end of August and Becky's at the start of September! Ellie has never had to go to school on her birthday but it does mean she was always the youngest in her year at school and her birthday often fell on the August bank holiday. She will always say her best birthday was in 2016 when she had a beach party in our back yard. A paddling pool, sand, decorations, a BBQ and of course a pinata which wouldn't break. lol

Birthday beach party

Becky will always say her best birthday was her 21st when we whisked her away on a surprise night away in Hull, staying in a hotel. She had no idea I had planned it. I took her shopping in Hull and Stu and Ellie followed on the next bus with the suitcases. hehehe She was gobsmacked!

2002 and 2007!
I was pregnant with my girls over 2 different summers. 2002 and 2007 and of course they were red hot one's but I didn't see much of the summer as I had sciatica with Becky and spent most of my day's laid in bed and with Ellie I had a 5 year old to run after and tons of hospital appointments which were no fun at all but at least the hospital had air conditioning.

The summer that it rained a lot! It didn't bother me though as I was in hospital again with both of my girls while they underwent open heart surgery to fix holes in their hearts. It was a hell of an August but we got through it and they are both absolutely fine now! 

I have just looked back on the summers that I blogged about and 2014 was one of the best! We seemed to do so much! 

Summer 2014
summer 2014 fun

We blew bubbles, hula hooped, played hopscotch, went on a boat ride, had water fights, went to the fair and beach, visited the library, made playdough, fed some ducks, had quite a few barbacues, made our own ice lollies, picnics at the park, baked cakes, went to soft play and watched movies. It was just proper childhood fun!

As soon as Becky had finished her GCSE's in the summer of 2019 we moved house, all the way from Northumberland down to Scunthorpe. The main reason we moved was to be closer to my dad and it was like a whole new world. We love living where we do and have never regretted moving house. We are all much happier here.

We went away on our first family holiday in years. We only went back to a city near where we used to live up in the North East but it was so fun being tourists in Newcastle! 

The Tyne Bridge

We also got to visit our favourite ever place in the world, Amble a small seaside town in Northumberland when we went to a family wedding.

What have been your most memorable summers?


  1. What a lovely list of summers, for various reasons, some sweet, some bittersweet, but all memorable.

    2019 is a memorable summer for me too. We went with our dog on a holiday in Scotland and had a tour from Edinburgh to Inverness to Fort William and Stirling. I loved going to Balmoral and my dog had a wonderful time too. It was our last holiday with him, as COVID made it impossible to visit again and by the time it ended, he was too old to be able to travel.

  2. So many memories and fun with family medical problems thrown in. Lots of sweetness and love.

  3. Summers are the best! No school, sleeping in, making plans or no plans at all. I think one of our best was the summer of 2008. We lived in Rhode Island, and we drove to western New York to take Sophia to a horse camp for a week. It was held at one of the colleges in the area and the trip was a combination of horse camp and checking out a college experience. We were a bit nervous about her being at a sleepover camp so far from home so we booked ourselves into an inn on the edge of the campus so we could be near if she decided she didn't want to stay. No chance, from the moment she saw a horse, she was in heaven. So, we woke up every day and took off in a new direction to explore the area. We checked out of the inn on the last day, picked up Sophia, and she slept the entire way home. She loved it so much; she went back the next summer.

  4. So many wonderful memories with your lovely family over the summers. I can’t wait for ours to begin over here as I’m done with gloomy winter. My favourite summer would be back in 1985 when I went to a caravan park in a town called Budgewoi. We went with a couple of other families who had kids around my age. We spent all day in the pool, then we’d go back to the caravan absolutely starving. We had the best time and I’m still friends with two of the girls to this day.

  5. What a great recap of your summer memories! Summer is my favorite season!

  6. Many wonderful memories of summers past! I felt like this summer was rather boring but I think that's just because we had no vacations planned and my boys are off on their own fun.

  7. I've just done a post about this summer and it's been quite a boring one compared to some of the fabulous summers I've had in the past. We also have the summer birthdays, which is real nice. I might do a post like this, but my blog has all my summer memories on it anyway. x
