Friday, 23 August 2024

What I have loved this week! Week 34. #FridayFavourites

You can tell we're heading towards September and the return to college for my youngest as these weeks are flying over. We only have a couple more weeks of the summer holidays left. Becky my eldest has some more time off work so we have some fun things planned.

I always start writing these blog posts thinking I don't have much to write about and then as I am writing think of more and more things to add. hehehe I am of course linking up with Erika and Andrea for their Friday Favourites.

What I have loved this week!

Station 19!
The series follows a group of firefighters of the Seattle Fire Department at Station 19 from the captain down the ranks to the newest recruit in their personal and professional lives.

It's the Grey's Anatomy spin off. I am only a few episodes in and I am loving it. My youngest is on season 5 and says it just gets better and better. There's familiar faces and I already have my favourite characters but I better not get too attached as I have already seen how things end up for them on Grey's Anatomy. Eek!

New curtains!
A couple of years ago my dad's partner got some gorgeous curtains and said if she ever changed the colour scheme in her living room I could have them as they go perfectly with the red in my living room. That time has came and she gave me them. They look gorgeous (I will get a photo eventually). They are more of a blackout curtain and as they are lighter are much easier to open and close! She also gave us another set which she had found in the back of a cupboard, they match Becky's wallpaper perfectly so she is having them in her bedroom.

Sunflowers growing in my garden!


Tidying the garage!
My fella spent Saturday emptying, having a change around and tidying the garage. I hate it in there, it's creepy with spiders and creepy crawlies. My fella loves it an will often spend time in there pottering about. It was in chaos as we have just been dumping things in there for the last few months. I'd like to say everything has a place now but not yet, it is getting there though. We just need some rubbish weather day so we can have a bonfire and burn all the cardboard boxes. There will be a before and after photos when it's finished.

The soaps!
All the big storylines on the soaps seem to be coming to a head this week and I have found myself shouting at the TV lots! On Monday evening I was so stressed watching them. Joel getting found out on Coronation Street, what an sneaky, evil man he is! Belle trying to stand up for herself against her abusive husband on Emmerdale, Frankie telling her dad about her brothers abuse on Hollyoaks and I still have Neighbours to catch up on where someone is supposed to die. Please don't let it be Toadie! Eek! I have also been catching up on Eastenders. I have 6 weeks worth to watch. Eesh!

Werther's Original Caramel Popcorn!
I love the Werther's Original caramel/butter sweets and Stu saw this popcorn in town and picked a bag up. He should have bought more, we ate the full bag between us in one sitting.

Werther's Original Caramel Popcorn

GCSE results!
This time last year Ellie got her GCSE results and it's a rule if you don't pass your maths or English you have to resit them in college and she has been doing that over the last year. I have totally forgotten about the results until I spoke to someone from college the other day. We got her results on Thursday and they were the same as last year, a 3 which is an old D and not a pass. She will be resitting them again. I am still so proud of her. She doesn't need the English GCSE to continue her studies or even become a qualified electrician which is what she's planning to be. It's more for the government numbers and to say "look, we are doing great as a country educating our kids".

Stu's birthday!
My fella had a great birthday on Friday, it wasn't the one I had originally planned for him but I think it worked out better. There was of course presents, lots of family time and some delicious food!

What have you loved over the last week?

Friday Favorites


  1. I didn't know Station 19 was a Grey's Anatomy spin-off. I watched a few episodes but then gave up and I have never watched Grey's Anatomy. Everyone says it's good though so maybe I should! Hooray for the curtains I can't wait to see them. I grew one huge sunflower once many years ago, and it was the talk of the small villa complex where we live. Those caramel popcorns are so delicious! Once you start eating them it's so hard to stop. Sam my youngest found out the hard way when he made himself sick after eating so many. He can't look at them any more!

  2. Yay for blooming sunflowers! That popcorn sounds so yummy. You really have a wonderful week of favorites.

  3. Yay to new curtains. I love changing things up in the rooms. It makes a nice change.
    I've been wanting to try the Werther's popcorn. I love the sweets so I know this is going to be sooooo good!
    I still can't believe Ellie is at college. Time goes so fast. She will smash her course with or without her English GCSE. xx
