Saturday, 22 October 2016

A photo everyday for a year! #Project366 - Week 42

Ahh! What a week! We had parents evening for my youngest Ellie (she's doing great), Disney on Ice and now it's half term. I think I can do with a week of not doing much at all....We're tired and need a break from school....

Onto a photo every day....

289/366 15th October
A lazy lunch.

290/366 16th October
She loves to Dab. 

291/366 17th October
We did some crafts with kits from Baker Ross.

292/366 18th October
We went to see Disney on Ice. I think Ellie's face says it all.

293/366 19th October

294/366 20th October
Finally some fun homework! She seems to learn more when writing isn't involved!

295/366 21st October
My first of many mince pies. Yum!

1 comment :

  1. We love lazy lunches too. Disney on ice sounds and looks really amazing. I think that would be my expression too :)
