Saturday 29 October 2016

A photo everyday for a year! #Project366 - Week 43

It's been half term here and we have had a lot of fun....We've had family visiting and have been preparing for Halloween.

On to a photo for every day.

296/366 22nd October
Ellie decided she would copy some crafts off Youtube!

297/366 23rd October
A quiet Sunday afternoon activity.

298/366 24th October
We had family visiting. My nephews mam kindly took a photo of all of us.

299/366 25th October
Halloween shopping!

300/366 26th October
These snacks are delicious. They really do taste like turkey.

301/366 27th October
I forgot to take a photo during the day....I took this on the way to bed...A Halloween tea light holder. So cute and a bargain for £1 from Poundland. 

302/366 28th October
Pumpkin carving time!


  1. Looks like you've been having fun over half-term. Lovely photo of the girls with their pumpkins. The photo of the turkey snacks looks like a can of drink! I was so relieved to discover it was actually snacks. Can you imagine a turkey flavoured drink? Bleurgh!

    1. hehehe! I'm trying to imagine what a turkey drink tastes like. Eww!
      Thank you!
