Saturday, 1 October 2016

Who are you? #Blogtober16

I am taking part in Blogtober16 and will be writing posts with various themes/prompts throughout October....

I think if you read my blog you know who I am. You can always read my About Me page......For those who don't read regularly I'm Kim, a 30 something year old mother from a small town in Northumberland called Ashington. I have two girls. Becky (14) and Ellie (9). I also live with my fella who's called Stu. Nice to meet you!

What did think when I read the prompt for today's post I did think of the song from the 90's by Meredith Brooks. Bitch. I am not a bitch....Well I try not to be but it does cover nearly everything that I am....

I am shy but chatty when I know somebody.
I am a worrier but I'm calm in a crisis.
Family means everything to me.
I hate being told what to do but I am quite bossy.
I love my little space on the internet.
I sing when I am alone but never in front of others (apart from my girls)
I am heading towards the big 4-0 but I am not afraid.
I worry far too much about what others think about me.
I am overweight but I am active and happy with it.
I keep myself to myself but I like to know all the gossip.
I am very happy with my life.
I am not a morning person but I am not a night owl either.
I have no patience for idiots but all the time in the world for my girls.
I hate cheese unless it is on a pizza or with pasta.
The sun instantly makes me happy and the rain makes me into such a grump.
I hate speaking on the phone but will spend hours emailing back and forth.
I don't read books now but read hundreds of blogs a week.
I actually hate talking about myself. I find myself so boring.

So there you go. That is a little about me. 


  1. I love your choice of song, why did I not think of this, I hate talking about myself as well x

  2. great post Kim. I too dislike speaking on the phone but just like you I love emailing. #Blogtober16

    1. I will do anything I can to get out of speaking on the phone. lol Thank you!

  3. Wow Kim great introduction :) look forward to reading your other posts #Blogtober16 x

  4. Hello Kim. Lovely to read your introduction although I nearly spat out my cup of tea when I read that you don't like cheese! #Blogtober

    1. I was allergic to it for years. It used to give me migraines. Now I just don't like the thought of it. hehehe

  5. Hi Kim! Looking forward to reading the rest of your #Blogtober16 posts

  6. Welcome to #Blogtober16, brilliant post, and I love that song, you are not boring at all, I have already hit the big 40 and its not scary at all, looking forward to reading all of your posts xxx

  7. I love that song! Fantastic choice! X

  8. you're not boring at all Kim.....but you don't like cheese!! I'm shocked. Love Anne, cheeseaholic ;)

    1. hahaha! Thank you!
      I used to be allergic to it for years. It gave me migraines. I lived so long without it I just don't have a taste for it.

  9. i hate talking about my self too! and swapped books for blogs! looking forward to getting to know you better x #blogtober16
