Wednesday, 26 October 2016

My top ten all time favourite songs! #Blogtober16

I am taking part in Blogtober16 and will be writing posts with various themes/prompts throughout October....Today's prompt is: Top ten all time favourite songs.

This was so hard to just choose 10 of my favourite songs.....I could probably fill the list with just Bon Jovi songs. hehehe All the songs I've chosen mean something to me and hold special memories....

1. Bon Jovi - Always.

Just because I love this man! hehehe

2. My Chemical Romance - Welcome to the Black Parade.

When I first moved to where I live now this was out in the charts and as we didn't have the internet or Sky TV in I ended up listening to the radio a lot...This was always being played....I even went out and bought the single on Stu and I have always said when we get married we're having this as our first dance..I'm sure my friends will appreciate it....My family not so much.

3. Black Eyed Peas - I gotta feeling!

This is my getting ready to go out song.....It has to be played before a night out.....It always puts me in such a great mood!

4. Kenny Rogers - The Gambler

I love this song...The first time I actually heard it was way back in the early 2000's on the Wrestling....The Rock sung it to Stone Cold (which was so funny by the way) and it sounded so catchy...I downloaded it and listened to it properly....So many lessons in life to learn from it....

5. Oh No You Didn't....

This was on a TV advert for the game Mercenaries 2 and it was so catchy it stuck in my head! I have never played or really seen the game....I have no idea who sung it but I love this song....So much I had it as a ringtone on my old phone until I lost It's my housework song....Every Saturday when I have a good clean it's played several times....The kids always say to me 'not that again'

6. Meatloaf - Bat out of Hell.

This reminds me of been a teenager.....My friend and I were crazy about Meatloaf and wore out at least 3 of his album on cassette. hehehe

7. Glee - Defying Gravity

It has to be the Glee version for me.....Ahh! The memories. I love that TV show. I am so sad it ended.

8. Minecraft Creeper Rap

My girls introduced me to this a long while ago.....It's one of those songs that get stuck in your head....I pretend to them that I hate it but I love it.....hehehe

Did you know there is an hour long version of it on YouTube?! My girls do and I have listened to it several times. Boom boom boom! I can't stop singing this bloody tune, tune, tune!

9. Taylor Swift - Shake It Off

It is such a feel good song....It really makes me smile and feel like dancing.

10. The Pogues Featuring Kirsty MacColl - Fairytale Of New York

This is the best Christmas song ever even though it isn't very cheery.....I love it and over Christmas I always have it set as my ringtone on my phone....I always have a sing a long before I answer. hehehe

What's your favourite song?


  1. Fairy Tale of New York! Love, love, love it! We play it really loud every Christmas #Blogtober16

    1. I start playing it at the beginning of November. hehehe

  2. They are such fantastic choices!!! It was so hard deciding! I totally agree with nearly all of those! #blogtober16
