Sunday, 16 October 2016

Piercings and Tattoos. #Blogtober16

I am taking part in Blogtober16 and will be writing posts with various themes/prompts throughout October....Today's prompt is Piercings and Tattoos....

The short story is I have none.....

There is the longer story though....hehehe

When I was about 7 or 8 years old I begged and begged to have my ears pierced...My mother always said no. She said I could get them done when I was 16....I kept asking and asking and the answer never changed. When my 16th birthday came along I went off and got them pierced....I didn't really want them done but did it to prove a point. I know it was very silly of me. They lasted about a month before I got sick of It was a complete waste of money and a stupid act of rebellion!

My girls have never really asked to have their ears pierced.....They are not the girliest of girls so it is one thing I don't have to worry about.....

I do want a tattoo and have for years but I want one that means something to me....Something that is really special with the perfect design and my girls names on. I have not found anything just right yet! 

Have you got any piercings and tattoos?


  1. I waited until I was 50 Lol. I wear earrings every single day and wish I'd done it before #Blogtober16

  2. I begged for earrings too and then let the holes close up haha! #Blogtober16

  3. I do like tattoos that have meanings rather than just random tattoos #Blogtober16

    1. Yes! I hate the random ones. They're going to look very silly in about 20 years. hehehe
      Thank you!

  4. This made me chuckle. Over the years I've had my nose, belly button, tongue and ears all pierced but now I don't even wear earrings! x

    1. hehehe. Wow! So many piercings! I fancied my tongue pierced but I don't like the idea of pain. lol
