Friday, 7 October 2016

Why I started blogging. #Blogtober16

I am taking part in Blogtober16 and will be writing posts with various themes/prompts throughout October....Today's prompt is: What made you start blogging?

I started blogging for the first time about four and a half years ago.....I was entering a lot of competitions and it was a way to record all of the wins I had. I was a comper. Back then it was popular for the person running the giveaway to have one of the entry options as "write a blog post and link back to the competition".....That's what I used to do. It wasn't much of a blog and it is long gone now.....I did get some fantastic prizes because of it though....

When I was entering the competitions I was finding parenting blogs and sometimes a non competition post would catch my eye and I would read....Then I found myself reading more and more blogs....I followed peoples lives and loved reading about them.

There came a point nearly 4 years ago where I thought I could do this....I want to write about my family, document our lives and share with my family who don't live nearby what we get up to....In a few clicks Northumberland Mam was created. I jumped straight in with a blog post. They shouldn't have bring and buy sales so close to Christmas! I had no introduction and no

Back then I seemed so naive to blogging.....I didn't know there was a whole community of people. I stupidly thought other bloggers all went it alone just blogging away doing their own thing.....I soon discovered other bloggers, linkies, Facebook groups and Twitter chats....Over the years I have learned a lot and I still learn something new every day....

I love my little space on the internet...I do this as a hobby....A very time consuming one but it keeps me busy and happy....I know I am not going to win awards, be top of any blogging charts or become famous. I am fine with that. I am happy just plodding along doing my own thing.....


  1. Aww I love this. What a great reason to start blogging. Well done lovely and I love your blog xx

  2. I love your little blog too, I found you because you'd commented on one of my posts :) I spent years blogging before realising there was a blogging community! I used to be a comper, but dont' really have the time anymore. I will enter if I see something I'd really like though and I've won quite a few really nice things. x

    1. Thank you! You are so kind.
      I only seem to enter comps on blogs now....I will enter others closer to Christmas though.

  3. I only knew about the blogging community because my daughter in law is a blogger. Otherwise I think I would still be in my own little world. I have found some lovely blogging friends too #Blogtober16

    1. I think it is slightly easier if you know someone who blogs...
      Thank you!

  4. Its so addictive when you discover linkies, twitter chats and all the other madness that goes along with blogging isnt it? #Blogtober16

    1. Oh it is! Even linking up with Blogtober16 has been exciting. Finding so many new blogs to follow x

  5. Oh I'm very intrigued by your comping. I always like the idea of winning lots of entering loads of competitions but don't know where to start. I think there is so much more to blogging than being a big name or rising up the rankings. Getting a really touching comment is reward enough.

    1. Prize Finder is a great site to get started on but I tend to stick to blog competitions now.
      Oh yes! The comments are reward enough...I get a warm, fuzzy feeling whenever someone takes time out of their day to leave me a message x
      Thank you!

  6. Ah so lovely to read your story! Feel free to share any comper tips that you have! I love having my own little space too and a place to share my stories. I agree, reading other peoples blogs and lives is so intriguing and it makes me really love what I do! #Blogtober16

    1. hehehe! I am not good at comping. I don't win as much as some people.
      I spend so much time reading about other people. I sometimes feel like a bit of a stalker. lol x

  7. What a great way to start a blog. I had no clue there was such a thing as other food bloggers when I started mine - nearly 8 yrs ago now. I was so surprised when I found out there was a whole community of them ;)

  8. I had no idea you were a comper. I love reading their posts about what they've won each month. I love the parent blogging community. So big and supportive!

  9. Great read Kim, and I love that you still blog as a hobby and you can tell you love doing it. You should be proud of your Tots score, I struggle to break into the top 500 most months x

  10. I really enjoyed reading this Kim as I feel I know you but don't through your blog. Strange concept really! I'm glad you started - and continued - to blog because I enjoy reading :)
