Friday, 7 October 2016

A week of Discoveries. #WotW

This week my Word of the Week is:

I have been taking part in Blogtober16 ....A post every day for the whole of October....I usually post daily anyway but the prompts and themes have really got me thinking....I have written a lot about myself this week which I don't normally do....I usually just write about the girls and general family life.....I don't like to write about myself, I find myself boring but this week writing and sharing the posts has been fun.....I have actually enjoyed it even though I have cringed sharing old photos and memories....I have also discovered a whole heap of new blogs to read which is fantastic. 

We found out from one of Ellie's friends that she is not exactly getting bullied but some girls in her class are verging on being nasty and excluding her....It's horrible. They are 9 and 10 year old's. Ellie see's the little clique which has been formed with about 4 or 5 girls and wants to be part of it....Ellie didn't say anything to Stu and I because it was "no big deal". We have tried to explain you can't be best friends with people if they don't want to be but it's hard....Ellie has always been better friends with the boys in her class, there is more of them than girls but they are at an age now where they think that girls are not cool. I know it's just a phase but it's heartbreaking....

Ellie's little friend said to us that the girls are nasty and said he would take Ellie to speak to the teacher. Ellie didn't want to but he made her and now it has all been sorted...The teacher has had a word with the girls but didn't mention Ellie's name....She said you have to be nice to people even if you don't want to be friends with them....So far so good....There has been no more nastiness. It's good to know someone in the class is looking out for my girl. 

This year I have struggled to figure out what to get Becky for her main present at Christmas.....She is so hard to buy for and spends most of her spare time on the Xbox, phone, laptop or tablet....The answer came to me in the Smyths catalouge which came through my door earlier in the week! A Virtual Reality Headset which she puts her phone in....I have no idea how they work or what you do but Stu thought it was a good idea and he knows more about technology than I She has mentioned these before but I thought they cost hundreds and hundreds of pounds and dismissed the idea....Oops.

There has also been a few more little discoveries which have made me smile....Polar Bears are on the new updated Minecraft which are so cute....Tesco have their Frozen Christmas party food in and there is a new Pie Face game....Pie Face 2: Showdown!


  1. Oh poor Ellie it is horrible to feel excluded and picked on. I hope you get resolved, kids can be at times really horrible can't they!
    I like the sound of virtual headset, that sounds like so much fun X #wotw

    1. I think it has been sorted...Time will tell!
      Thank you!

  2. Aww poor Ellie that is awful. I hope you can both get it resolved. Nothing worse, poor wee soul. hugs xx

  3. Poor Ellie, but so lovely that she does have a friend looking out for her and he's helped her to get it sorted out. I do think girls can be so mean at times, it's a tough age, isn't it? Glad it's better for her now. Enjoy those discoveries! Thanks for sharing with #WotW x

    1. He's such a lovely boy. We say he's a little wise man in a boys body. hehehe
      Girls are so much worse than boys for being mean!
      Thank you!

  4. How lovely Ellie has a little friend to look out for her, that's really sweet. It's not good that the other girl's have been nasty to her. I had this with my girl last year (when she was 8) but her teacher was really good at sorting it out. Both my girls get on with boys better, but I did too so it's probably a family trait. What a lot of other discoveries you've made too, and as I've been doing Blogtober too it's been lovely getting to know you more x #WOTW

    1. Aww! Girls can be so mean...Boys are way better friends than girls. heheh
      Thank you!

  5. Ugh, glad that's sorted now. T is only six and I dread the day when something like this happens, so far nothing like that has happened :( #wotw

    1. I really hope she flies through school with no problems at all!
      Good luck! Thank you!

  6. Oh what a brilliant friend. He sounds like he is worth his weight in gold. There is a real divide between boys and girls at this age, which is such a shame. My son is in the same year. Nice idea for Becky. Might think of this one for my teen too. #wotw

    1. He really is! He seems to ignore the divide between the girls and boys and is quite popular.
      It is such a shame everyone just can't get along.
      Thank you!

  7. So glad to hear that Ellie has a friend looking out for her and that things have been sorted out for Ellie at school. The virtual reality headset sounds like fun! :-) #WotW

    1. Me too. He has been a little star!
      Thank you!

  8. I'm definitely going to do a whole month of blogging soon it sounds like fun, it's great writing about yourself so your readers and fellow bloggers can get to know you better. Poor Ellie girls can be so mean I'm glad she had a little friend looking out for her. #WotW

    1. It really is a lot of fun and gets you thinking...
      I think there's people who do a full month in November. I'm sure I remember the #BEDN hashtag.

  9. I'm glad things are a bit sorted for Ellie. It must be horrible hearing that some girls were being mean to her. How exciting planning presents! I need to start this too xx #wotw

  10. Oh no. Poor Ellie. Hugs to her. I'm glad she has a friend looking out for her and things are sorted at school.
    Blogtober sounds fun. I don't know if I am quick enough to catch up though.
    Have a lovely weekend. xx

    1. I think if you post a couple of posts a day to start with you could catch up. Each days linky is open for 14 days :D x

  11. Oh no poor Ellie, but what a wonderful friend she has! I hope that it's all sorted and it sounds like the teacher is on the ball with it. I was bullied as a child and I do worry about the what ifs when Boo starts school. Children (well people in general) can be so mean!
    I need to start my Christmas shopping - I have no idea what to get anyone! I do like the sound of that VR headset though!

    1. He is the best friend. I'm glad she has him...
      Thank you!

  12. Poor Ellie kids can be so awful to each other and sadly sometimes you feel like you've never leaved the playground behind I digress. #WotW.

    1. Kids are just cruel...I am proud of my girl she is nice to everyone no matter how nasty they are. Thank you!

  13. Oh I do feel for you and Ellie. Girls can be so mean, and there is no reason for it. It's heartbreaking when you can see what's going on but it sounds like she has friends at school who are looking out for her and that's so important. And that your teacher listened to you and has taken swift action. My daughter has a similar problem with some of the girls - sometimes she was in favour and then other days she wasn't and didn't know why! I'm glad the talk has done its job!

    I've been enjoying your #Blogtober posts - well done xx
